June 26, 2023

Monday - Hot and Sunny, muggy

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I couldn’t believe it was morning already! I got up, watched the news and got dressed. Around 8:30 or so I got a call from F. He was about to go into surgery, but he wanted to hear my voice. I was thrilled to hear from him.

I knew that F would be in surgery from 9:00 for a couple of hours at least, so I took a snooze. I was tired! I got up later, grabbed breakfast and was a bit bemused to see that K had grabbed a whole muffin for herself. She’d left the food I’d put out for her breakfast in lieu of a muffin. These are huge Costco muffins! Oh well, good for her. I had thought she might just like half of one, so I’d cut it in half yesterday, but….

I did a couple of loads of laundry today. I did a load of towels which was huge and a load of shirts. I needed to have some clean tops to wear! On one of my trips downstairs I got a call from F’s surgeon. He sounded nervous to speak to me in English, but he did…good for him. He told me that F’s operation went well and he was resting and recovering. He would have rehabilitation start in a couple of days. I was so glad to hear from him.

I grabbed lunch later on and when I saw K I told her about F’s operation. I did a Google translation and I think she understood. She looked happy anyway. 

After lunch, I worked on a little project. Last night, I had opened up the side seams on a pair of culottes waistband. I pulled the elastic out, cutting it where necessary. The circle of elastic was so small…no wonder the culottes were so uncomfortable on me. I measured some new elastic and threaded it through the waistband. I sewed the ends together and then I sewed up the seams again. I put them on for a few minutes and they are so much more comfortable. I’m not sure if I’ll wear them out of the house, or if I’ll keep them for just at the house, but it is nice to have another option for summer.

I went downstairs around 5:45 and was surprised that F’s sister was over visiting. I’m not sure what she was doing. It was hot downstairs, so I closed up the windows and turned on the AC. I had used it a bit upstairs this afternoon as it reached 30 degrees in the room. I was just about to start washing my dishes when my phone rang. F was calling. I spoke to him for a few minutes. He was a bit sick from the anesthetic, but seemed okay. I asked him if he’d like to talk to his sister and he said yes.  I let him talk to her for a bit and then I took the phone back. She needed to talk to him again, and so I gave her the phone again. I think we all felt better to be able to speak to him. He said that it was hard for him to text as he had an IV in his hand, so phoning was easier. I don’t mind, whatever makes it better for him.

I rang off when he was too tired to speak more and got on with cooking dinner for K and I. F’s sister left a few minutes later and K relaxed for a bit.

Tonight I did chicken in the toaster oven, fried some hash brown patties and opened a package of  macaroni salad. I put out the guacamole and some tortilla chips and of course we had a salad. Dinner was quite good. I offered K dessert but she turned me down. I guess she was full. Yay.

I cleared the table and then washed the dishes while listening to my podcasts. When I finished, I went upstairs, somewhere around 8:30pm. It was nice to be done so early. 

I relaxed and watched some YouTube for a while. After ten, I went downstairs and took a shower. I brought the rest of the tortilla chips and the guacamole upstairs with me and had a lovely little late night feast.

I watched last week’s episode of The Handmaid’s Tale so that I can watch tomorrow night’s episodes if I want to. I had hoped to watch something fun too, but didn’t get around to it. I do have to get to bed sometime!

I got a late night text from F, I sent him one back and asked him why he was still awake!! He didn’t reply.

Anyway, that’s it for me. I might do a bit of laundry tomorrow or I might go outside and see if I can get my bike functional or not. The problem is that I’m not sure if I can even get to my bicycle at all. The garage has become rather a mess at the moment. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

I'm very glad that F's surgery went well and that you were able to speak with him. My sister had foot surgery a couple of years ago and I was a nervous wreck waiting to hear how things went. She was fine but it was a long hour and a half til the doctor came into the waiting room and filled me in.

Helen said...

Thank you! It did make me feel a lot better talking to him.

I felt sorry that the Doctor was so nervous when he called me, but I'm glad he did.

Thanks for visiting too!