July 9, 2023

Sunday - Rainy, cloudy and humid

I woke up this morning, went downstairs for a quick trip and then came back to bed. I didn’t really fall asleep again, so I just got up and got dressed.

I had a very quiet day really. I watched some YouTube and stayed in today.

I went downstairs in the evening to make dinner for K and me. Tonight I did Gapao rice and it turned out really well. The eggs got a little bit overdone, but they tasted fine I thought. We had some zucchini sticks with it all as well as some salad. I was surprised that K ate it all as there was a lot on her plate!

I did the dishes after dinner and listened to my podcasts. I was just about finished when K came in and said goodnight. I said it back.  During dinner, I told her that I was going out tomorrow, but I have no idea if she really understood what I was saying! 

I came upstairs and watched another episode of The Crowded Room and then last week’s The Handmaid’s Tale. I then put on another episode of Miranda, but something was going on with either the internet or the website as it took over an hour and a half to watch a half-hour episode. In the end, I just found it on YouTube and watched the last ten minutes of it! It was very frustrating! I wish I’d done that earlier.

It was too late when it finished to watch anything else, so I just turned to YouTube and did my usual thing. 

Tomorrow I am going to try and leave the house before 10:30 so that I can get to a movie. After it finishes, I’ll go downtown and pick up a couple of days worth of food and then come back. Of course, if I have lunch downtown, that’s okay with me too!

Come back later if you like and find out if I make it downtown early on or not! Until tomorrow….

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