July 14, 2023

Friday - Rainy and humid - Happy Bastille Day!

I went to bed a little late last night. I was watching YouTube and didn’t have to get up early today at all. Or so I thought!

At 7:00 am F sent me a text and told me that a Buddhist priest and his sister would be by today as it was Obon and I should give his sister some money to pay the priest. I went back to sleep. When I woke up with my alarm there was yet another message from F saying that I should give his sister more money for the priest. Huh? What?

I watched the BBC news and then went downstairs. F’s sister and his mother were downstairs doing whatever they needed to do. I came back upstairs, got dressed and confirmed the amount to give the priest with F and then brought it downstairs in an envelope that I gave to F’s sister. I came back upstairs and went back to sleep. I slept through my alarms and actually woke up an hour later than I wanted to. Oh, dear.

I went downstairs to get my lunch and breakfast and saw K down there. She hadn’t eaten her lunch yet, so I heated it up for her. I went upstairs to eat. 

I started getting ready to leave at 1 pm and then came downstairs a little later. I left a little after 1:30 but still had to wait at the bus stop for about 5 minutes. Today I had taken my big pink umbrella so that I didn’t quite as wet as I did on Wednesday, but I did get a little wet! The bus arrived and I got on.

I got to the hospital pretty much on time and went in. I bought a drink at the vending machine and sat and drank some of it. I went upstairs near the time and ended up meeting F as he got off the elevator! We checked in and I had a bit of difficulty getting my temperature taken. Twice the thermometer gave an error reading and the last time it was a little high, but not too high, thankfully. 

F and I went to the lounge and had a little chat. He was going to escort me downstairs afterwards, but he was feeling a bit dizzy so I told him to go back to his room and have a rest. He did. 

I went downstairs and waited for the next bus to the mall. I didn’t have to wait too long. At the mall, I did a little shopping at the hundred yen shop and then the grocery shop. I didn’t get too much at the grocery shop, but I picked up a couple of things for dinner. I checked out and decided I had just enough time for an iced coffee.

I went to Doutor and had a decaf iced coffee. I drank it fairly quickly and then left when it was getting close to the bus time. I caught the bus and rode it to my stop. It was drizzling a little so I used my umbrella while I walked back to the house. 

I got back to the house, unpacked my groceries and then went upstairs for a bit of rest. I relaxed for 40 minutes or so and then put on my kitchen clothes and went down to make dinner. 

Tonight I did fish from a frozen pack I bought a little while ago, salad, chap chae from the store, frozen spinach and some cucumber pickle. Yes, I bought cucumbers today! K got some rice with her food too. She had gone to bed when I came to cook, so I put everything on the table and then woke her up.  

K actually told me the food was delicious tonight, so that was good. She hasn’t said anything like that for a few days. I’m glad that she enjoyed it, I did too if I’m honest.

Because I had served most of the food to the plates in the kitchen, there weren’t many dishes to do at all. Woot! I really did not want to have a lot of dishes tonight. I think I was finished before 8:30.

I came upstairs and watched a couple of episodes of Miranda. It was great. I laughed and felt bad for her. I needed to take a shower, so I closed up my computer and went downstairs to do that.

I came upstairs and watched the last two episodes of Miranda. They were great. The series ended just as it should and I was really glad that they didn’t muff it up!

After the last episode, I came over to the desk and got started on my nightly stuff. And now…you are up to date!  I have to get up fairly early tomorrow as F’s sister is supposed to pick me up and take me to the hospital with her to pick up F. He’s coming back to his house tomorrow and I am a little worried. I hope this is a good thing!

Well, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kentucky Lady said...

Hope all goes well with husband coming home. Will be allowed to drive soon? Sending best wishes.Laura

Helen said...

Thank you . I think he should be okay driving.

Thanks for visiting. Off to the hospital now!