July 15, 2023

 Saturday - Rainy and cloudy, a little cooler

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I slept until 9 am or so, which was rather nice. I got up and started getting dressed. F called me to say that his sister would pick me up around 10:30, which I already knew. I was getting dressed after all so that I wouldn’t be late!

I got dressed and went downstairs. F called AGAIN just before his sister arrived and I’m afraid I wasn’t too nice to him. His timing was really bad.

F’s sister arrived and we went off to pick up F. She waited downstairs and I went up to help him carry stuff. He was ready to go and had a pile of stuff to bring down. We were bowed out by one of his nurses, that was sweet!

F’s sister brought us back to the house and then left. I was a tad surprised that she just left, I thought she might want to stay for a minute. Oh well.

I helped F carry a few things up to the room. Then, I changed my clothes and went back to bed! I slept for about an hour or so. F woke me up around twelve and said that he was hungry! We decided to go out for lunch and to take K out with us. As I said to him, I don’t know if she’s even been out in the new car or not. F suggested a restaurant that serves both ramen and curry, so we went there. Happily for us, it wasn’t too busy today and we could get in right away. Both F and K had ramen (big surprise) and I had curry. 

After lunch, F just wanted to come back to the house, so we did that. I put on my summer house dress and went to bed. Between the high carbs from the rice that was with the curry and the relief of having F back, I went to sleep. I slept for 4 hours!

F woke me up around 6 pm and we decided that we’d go out for dinner, but would get K a nice bento first.  I changed again and we went out to the grocery store. We picked up a nice fish bento for K and then something for breakfast for K and F. I picked up some spices for the pickle thing that K likes so much too.

We came back to the house briefly. I gave K her bento and took the food for tomorrow upstairs. Then, I left with F and we went to Gusto. Gusto was quite busy tonight and I was surprised that F suggested it. I was fine with it because I wanted to use their drink bar. 

We got a table and ordered. I had chicken and so did F. He ordered a Japanese set meal, I had miso chicken and ordered a plate of fries to share with F. Dinner was okay. He gave me some of his chicken and it was nice. Gusto does have good kara-age.

We came back to the house after our meal. We came up to the room and relaxed. I didn’t go back to bed but F kind of did. He watched his bloomin’ live performances again on his phone. Sigh. 

I watched some YouTube with headphones and then watched CSI: Las Vegas. It was a good episode and it ended one of the major storylines of this season. 

Since midnight I’ve been watching YouTube and getting ready for bed. I’ve had a quiet evening. I had to turn on the AC because it was so humid and hot if I’m honest. Having the windows open didn’t help at all. I’m not sure why, but downstairs gets lovely cool draughts from the windows, up here, I get nothing!

Well, F is back. He’s in quite a bit of pain still but it is nice to have him back. He’s been missed around here over the last two weeks.

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. F still needs to take things a little easy and honestly, I’m hoping to just enjoy the weekend and to take things quite easy too. The last couple of weeks have been rather stressful for me and I’m just looking forward to relaxing a bit. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kentucky Lady said...

Glad to here husband is doing well. Was surprised he was driving. Hope his recovery goes well.

Helen said...

Thanks. He's still in a lot of pain, but it wasn't his driving knee. If it was the knee he uses for driving, he probably wouldn't be allowed to drive. We drive on the other side of the road here in Japan.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for his fast recovery!

Thank you for visiting and commenting today.

gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,

Glad to hear that hubby is back home. It sounds like you had a good day. You did an awful lot while he was in the hosi\pital to take care of his mother as well as get him things that he needed. Kudos to you for holding down the fort!


Helen said...

Thanks, Gladys! Yes, I had a good day yesterday. Today was okay too!

I appreciate you saying that I did a lot when he was in the hospital. I guess I did, but it just seemed like something that I'm supposed to do!

It is nice to have F back though. I hope that his knee starts hurting less soon.

Hope you are doing well!

Thank you for visiting today!