July 19, 2023

 Wednesday - Rainy and cloudy and humid

Today was a good day but it was also a quiet day. We didn’t go out!

I woke up early to watch the BBC news and then went back to sleep after it was over. I woke up again around 10 am and watched/recorded another news programme. I watched the English parts, and dozed through the rest.

I ended up sleeping quite late. Oops. When I got up F asked if I wanted to go out for lunch but I said that I didn’t! I had my breakfast, very late of course, but no problem. F had a bite to eat as well. We had a lazy afternoon really. Later on, I asked F if he’d like some cheese toast and he said he would. I went downstairs and made it for us, and I grabbed a salad for myself. I came back upstairs to eat. 

The cheese toast was good! F liked it as well.

I went downstairs around 6 pm and got dinner underway. I made a stir-fry tonight, but not my usual one. I used a spice packet one. It was okay, it asked for eggs in it which was interesting!

Around 7 pm I called F down and we had dinner. It went okay. The only problem is that no one ate enough! There was a lot of leftovers tonight. Oh well. 

I did the dishes afterwards and then did up the garbage in the kitchen. I got it all ready and put it in the genkan. I went upstairs and stripped. I was soaking wet. Earlier in the day I had asked F if we could go out, hoping it would be in the afternoon. I came up from downstairs after 9 pm, soaking wet and tired and then he asks if I’m ready to go out. Umm, NO! I was too hot and tired to even want to go out.

I rested for a while and then watched Grey’s Anatomy. It was quite a good one I thought. Is Meredith really leaving?

F went to bed fairly early and of course, I’m still up. I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. I’m thinking of suggesting either going out for dinner or getting in bentos. It is so darn hot and humid at the moment that I hate cooking and being in the kitchen. I didn’t put on the air conditioner downstairs tonight as it was slightly cooler than upstairs. 

I’m now watching a reaction video (one of my new things on YouTube) featuring Rod Stewart and it is really getting to me as the song is all about going home and that’s what I want to do! I still haven’t been able to book my trip back to Canada yet so I’m feeling a bit sad and gloomy.

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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