July 20, 2023

Thursday - Hot and sunny, not too humid. Woot!

I woke up this morning before 8 am. I turned on the TV and watched the BBC news. When the segment was over, I turned off the TV and went back to sleep. I slept rather late today but we didn’t have many plans.

When I did wake up, F and I decided to go out to his favourite fish restaurant for lunch. There was a nice plate in the fridge for K so I didn’t feel bad about it at all. 

F and I went to Okazaki. We had to wait a couple of minutes for them to prepare a table for us as we couldn’t sit on the floor. I dislike that, and F can’t really at the moment. Their special today was fried oysters and sashimi so we both had that. It was quite good. 

After lunch, we did a few shops! We visited Yamaya where I picked up some replacement tea and microwave popcorn, and F got some beer. We next went to Gyomu Supa. F stayed in the car and I went in. I didn’t get too much today, but I did pick up a drink for F and me, some snacks and a treat for K.

I started to have stomach problems while I was in the store, so when I went back to the car, I asked F if we could make a pitstop somewhere. He obliged me. It turned out that I was okay, but I’m glad I had the chance to find out!

F suggested going to Starbucks next, so that’s what we did. We both had Frappucinos, F had his usual, and I had a caramel one. It was fine. 

We went back to the house for a while and relaxed. F was in pain again. Around 6 pm I suggested that we do something for dinner. Earlier I had suggested bentos, but F suggested two local restaurants that I actually like, so I said yes to either. He decided to take his mother out as well, so that was nice. I asked him to tell her to get ready since she doesn’t always stay dressed these days. 

We left and drove out to Kushibiki. We went to the little Chinese restaurant there and had a nice meal. I had mabo-yakisoba, F had mabo-ramen and K had ramen. We were all quite happy with our meals.  We paid and then drove back to the house. We let K out and I saw her into the house. I told her we were going grocery shopping.

F asked me to cook dinner tomorrow night so I’m just doing pasta. I deserve an easy night once in a while I think! I went into the shop and got a few things for tomorrow’s dinner and breakfasts for K and F. 

We came back to the house and relaxed for a bit. I watched an episode of The Walking Dead and then took a shower. I followed that up with tonight’s episode of The Rookie. F tried to sleep and managed a bit I think. 

That’s about it for me. I’m not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow. I hope I can do some laundry, if I don’t, I might not be able to go out next week at all!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Friday. Until tomorrow….

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