July 2, 2023

Sunday - Hot, sunny and muggy

I went to bed at my usual time last night, it was good to get some sleep. I woke up a little bit before my alarm went off this morning. I set it for later than usual. I dragged myself out of bed at 10:30 and had a hurried morning. I left the house a little later than I wanted and had to hightail it to the bus stop. Luckily for me, the bus wasn’t quite on time and I made it. 

When I got to the bus station in S-Mall, I walked over to the nearby convenience store and bought F the adapter that he needed. He bought one the day before he went into the hospital and already broke it! It’s just to let him use earphones on his iPhone.  I came back to the mall after this. 

I had lunch upstairs. I tried a new to me restaurant. It was a bit meh if I’m honest, but not terrible. I had ginger pork. After that, I went to the hundred yen shop and grabbed some stuff for F and myself, then went to the bookstore looking for something for him. They didn’t have it. I checked the time and if I finished in the mall in 25 minutes or so I could take a bus back to the house. I whizzed around the grocery store. I didn’t get bentos for each of us, but I did get some prepared food for us. I got a couple of kinds of croquettes and a chicken wrap thing, plus some fried rice. I thought I’d pair that with some stuff I had at the house and it would make a decent meal. I had texted F about his book so he asked me to ask about another author. I did go up and ask, but the bookshop guy said something that I didn’t understand, basically, he didn’t have it. Okay then. 

I just made my bus and as I was just on the bus, I realized that I was on the longer loop bus. Sigh. If I’d waited a little longer I would have been back quicker, but it didn’t really matter. 

I came back to the house and put the food I bought today away, then went upstairs. I had a relax/snooze time for a couple of hours. I went downstairs to feed us dinner around 6 pm. 

I heated up the croquettes in my air fryer and the other stuff in the microwave. I got the table set, I washed the lettuce and spun it in my salad spinner. I love being able to do that!

Dinner was nice. F Facetimed me during dinner but I didn’t talk too long to him. It was a bit sad that I didn’t say much, but I was in the middle of dinner and it felt rude to talk in front of K. She couldn’t hear us of course, but she knew it was F on the phone.

I did the dishes and then came upstairs. I changed into some dry clothes and then joined an online meeting of my women’s group. I was there for a couple of hours. I didn’t say much at first but later on I did a bit more chatting. At 10pm everyone that was still on rang off and it was over.

I relaxed for a few minutes and put my computer back in its usual place. Then, I watched another episode of the Tom Holland drama, The Crowded Room. I’m enjoying it. Tom Holland is a good actor, but I’m not sure about Amanda Seyfried as the shrink. She’s okay I guess. 

I was going to start my blogging when I decided to try something different. One of my browsers has a built-in VPN, so I tried to use Tubi to watch something. I can’t use it without the VPN since Japan doesn’t have access to Tubi. I watched an episode of Miranda and it was hilarious. It didn’t work too well as I think my internet isn’t that strong in this corner of the room, but I could watch the whole thing, even though it did pause a few times.

And that was my day. Tomorrow I’m off to the hospital again as I have to drop off a few things for Fumihiko. I’m sure that my backpack will be full. If I have time afterwards I’ll do a proper grocery shop. I’m not sure if I’ll do the bento thing again tomorrow or not. It’s so darn hot at the moment that I hate to heat up anything in the kitchen.

So that’s it for me. I’m off to bed soon and then I hope to get up at a reasonable time in the morning so I can watch the news and maybe have brunch before I go out. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….


Kentucky Lady said...

Glad to hear you are getting out and about. Even in the hot weather it's nice to get out of the house. How much longer does your husband have to stay in the hospital? Hopefully he is getting rehab on his knee and his pain level will be much much lower.

Kelly said...

Omg I love Miranda, she's so funny! We don't get it in Aus so I have to resign myself to watching what's available on YouTube. I might try Tubi.

Helen said...

Sorry, I didn't see your message for a while. I had mail off...it didn't twig on me that I haven't been getting any mail!!

He might be in the hospital for most of July. When he went in it was 2-3 weeks, now they are thinking 4 weeks. Sigh. He is getting rehab, but he is still in quite a bit of pain, I'm sad to say.

Thanks for your comment and for visiting.

Helen said...

Hi Kelly! Yes, Miranda is both hysterical and really touching in parts. I'm so enjoying it right now.

I have to use a VPN here in Japan to access Tubi, not sure if Australia has Tubi or not. There are commercials, but I haven't found them too annoying.

Thanks for visiting!