July 3, 2023

Monday - Hot and Sunny, but cooler than yesterday

I got up late this morning and missed the English news on the morning news. Darn! I went back to bed for a nap afterwards and dragged myself downstairs to snag breakfast when my alarm went off. 

I came back upstairs, ate breakfast, watched a bit of YouTube, wrote a letter to F and then talked to him on the phone. Today’s demand was nail clippers. I told him that I didn’t have anywhere to get them today so he suggested going to the hospital’s shop. I said I’d try. 

Around 1:30 I left the house and made it to the bus stop handily. I got on the bus and got off at the hospital. I went into the gift shop and did find a pair of clippers, so I bought them. I went up to F’s floor and gave the nurses his stuff. F kept phoning me. I think he wanted to sneak in a visit and I think some of the nurses wanted that too, but I wanted to get downstairs and catch my bus. I asked about the nail clippers, as they are quite strict about what I can give him and the nurse said no. Oh, dear. 

I went downstairs to wait for the bus and F phoned me and we chatted for a few minutes. I think he was sad that he didn’t get to see me. I was a bit sad about that too. 

The bus to S-Mall finally arrived and I got on. At S-Mall I did a little shopping. I went up to Daiso and bought a couple of Japanese summer towels. I bought them and then I redeemed all the seals (stickers) I’ve been saving for the last few months and got a little thermos for myself. I have a couple, but this was a nice little size. 

I decided that I’d tour the grocery store and make mental notes about what I’d buy, so I did that. Then, I went to Doutor and had a drink and a sandwich. That was really nice and it helped me relax. The usual women were training a guy behind the counter and I felt a bit sorry for him. He put a tray out for me and then put a napkin on the tray. The woman training him picked up the napkin and turned it around. He put a straw on the tray, and she moved it. I’m afraid I laughed a bit. I know in Japan that there is one way to do things and he has to learn that. 

My sandwich was good, and I enjoyed my iced rooibos. After that, I went to the grocery store again. 

I picked up some food for tonight’s dinner and also for tomorrow night. I got something for K’s lunch tomorrow since I wasn’t planning to cook much tonight. 

I looked at the time and I decided I had better leave soon. I had missed my second-last bus so knew I had to be at the bus station to catch the last bus. I waited for 10 to 15 minutes but did catch it. While I was getting on and getting into my seat, I caught my fingernail somewhere and bent it back about 90 degrees. Ouch! That hurt so much. It still does.

My very painful fingernail. It still hurts.

I had a fastish ride back to the close bus stop. I rang the bell and got off, walked to the house. For some reason, the door wasn’t quite shut. I guess K must have come outside today and then didn’t close it properly. 

I put away the groceries and then I went upstairs for a rest. It was hot up here, so I turned on the air conditioner for a bit. I relaxed and then went downstairs again around 6 pm.

I was getting things ready in the kitchen and K was in the living room for a while, but the next thing I noticed was she was back in bed. Sigh. I started to put things on the table when I was ready. Tonight I planned a cold noodle dish for us both, some salad, some of the leftover croquettes from last night and some kabocha salad. The table was set and I called K out of the bedroom. She came, but she complained about her stomach and said that she couldn’t eat much. She ate the plate with salads and the croquettes, but not the noodle. She did polish off almost all of the cucumber dish that I made for tonight too!

I did the dishes and then did up the plastic garbage. I took the garbage out to the station and then came back in. I said goodnight to K and went upstairs. 

I reclined on the bed for a bit, but around 9 went over to my computer and listened to some music and read a bit of Twitter and Facebook. Around 10 I went downstairs and took a much-needed shower. I came back upstairs afterwards and watched last week’s episode of The Handmaid’s Tale that I didn’t watch last week. It was a humdinger!

At midnight I watched another episode of Miranda! It was so funny tonight. It just makes me laugh so hard. I really need to figure out the wifi situation so it doesn’t freeze as much. 

And that was my day. It was okay. I’m thinking that I’ll stay at the house tomorrow. I may go out and see about my bike. I’ve said that before, so I may not do it. It would be more convenient to go to the store though. I will probably cook dinner tomorrow night. I hope K is feeling better tomorrow too.

Come back later if you like and find out what I get up to on Tuesday. Until tomorrow….

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