July 21, 2023

Friday - Hot and sunny, not too humid!

I went to bed a bit late so it was very hard to wake up this morning. I did wake up with my alarm and watched the BBC segment of the news. I went to back to sleep as soon as the English bit was over. 

I woke up a bit later to watch the news and then snoozed afterwards. I finally got up in the early afternoon. I was up before F though, at least more or less. 

I did a couple of loads of laundry and hung them up in our room. I also grabbed my breakfast and had that. Yay me. 

Later in the afternoon, I went downstairs and made a light lunch for F and me. It was mostly just toast but it was nice. While I was in the kitchen, K got up to watch sumo so I heated up the stuff in the fridge for her to have for her lunch. I’m so nice!

F and I had a nice bite to eat upstairs. 

I went downstairs around 6 pm and made dinner. Tonight it was just pasta with some cold duck and chicken, plus salad and a cucumber pickle. It turned out well and K even said it was delicious. Yay!

I did dishes after dinner and it took a while, but it finally got done. I was quite sweaty again when I was finished. I went upstairs and after a couple of minutes F wanted to go out shopping, but I couldn’t face it. I was tired, soaking wet and just wanted a break. 

I rested for a while, and then I told F that I would go out as long as it wasn’t just to buy food. He said that was okay, and suggested going to Komeda. They have lovely kaki-gori right now so we both decided we’d have that. I changed into some decent clothes and out we went.

The kakigori was great. We both had the mango and jasmine tea with soft serve ice cream type and they were amazing! It was so nice. Not too sweet, but very flavourful. 

Mango and Jasmine Tea Kakigori with soft ice cream

After an hour or so in Komeda, we drove over to the grocery store and I went in. I was trying to get something for F and K’s breakfast tomorrow. F’s first choice was sold out so I got some lunch pack sandwiches. I also got more decaf iced coffee, Aquarius Zero (a sports drink) and some milk.

We came back to the house and had a quiet evening in. I didn’t even turn on the TV at all. I probably should have but I didn’t. 

I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. A lot depends on whether F is feeling up to going out and doing stuff and the weather. We are hoping to go to the mall and accept a mission from Ethan Hunt though. Will update later and see if we succeed. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow…

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