July 22, 2023

Saturday - Hot and Sunny

We slept in a bit this morning. F was up before I was though. When I finally got up and went downstairs he was sitting in the living room watching TV.  I came back upstairs and changed some of my clothes.

F came back upstairs and suggested going out for lunch. He suggested a few different types of food and I liked the first one he said, yakiniku! We decided to go over to Togashi. I needed to send a birthday card today though, so I wrote one up, stamped it and then put it in my purse to send later on.

We went for lunch and it was lovely.We both had the same thing, a kalbi assortment. It came with soup, salad, rice and we also ordered some wasabi, gochujang, and garlic. We had some oolong tea with our meals. We got a free mini dessert each from the restaurant too as we are cardholders so that was nice.  

After lunch we decided to go for coffee but needed to mail my card first. We did a quick detour into the Chido Museum’s parking so I could drop the card into the post box just outside the museum. I did that and then F and I drove over to Tack, a little old fashioned coffee shop. We got a little lost on the way, but Google Maps saved us. We had a nice time in the coffee shop. I had an iced milk tea and F had an iced Vienna Coffee. Over our drinks, F decided that he didn’t want to go to the movie tonight. I told him it was fine, but I would hope that he would be okay with going sometime over the next two weeks. I also said that I might take a trip over to Mikawa one morning by myself and get him to pick me up after the film finishes. I can’t and don’t want him to go to the movie if it is too much for him…it is almost three hours long and that is a long time to sit when you have a bad knee. 

We came back to the house after our drink and relaxed for a while. It was hot upstairs, so hot. I watered the plants that are outside, they were looking really limp and sad. It hasn’t rained in a couple of days, so they all needed water. 

I watched an episode of Fringe on my computer and when it was over a bit after 6 suggested to F that we think about dinner. He decided that we’d go out to Gusto and then bring K back a nice bento from the restaurant. That’s basically what we did.

F and I drove over to Gusto and went in. We got a table and ordered. He had a dish that called itself Extra Big Fried Chicken, it was a set meal. I had a burger and a couple of pieces of chicken, plus an order of fries with takoyaki sauce on them to share. We had drink bar too. I was sitting at the table, minding my own business, reading on my phone when I got a sharp tap on my shoulder. The guy at the table behind me wanted me to take the food off the robot that had arrived. I was pissed. I don’t enjoy strangers touching me, least of all painfully. F was sitting facing towards the robot, so he could have told me it was there, but he was deep into his phone. It was strange. 

I took the food off the robot and grumped a bit about inappropriate behaviour. F didn’t even notice I think.

I got up later to get us more drinks and noticed that the spill tray under the coke machine was so full that it was leaking. In fact, it looked like the water was leaking out of the machine and was everywhere. The waitress was cleaning the next table to ours, so I asked F to tell her that the tray was full. She checked it out, got another staff member to help her and they made a huge mess trying to fix it. I didn’t do it!

When we had finished our meal we asked them to prepare K’s bento and they did. I paid for F and then we left the restaurant. 

F wanted to do some grocery shopping and since he was going to go in the store and I didn’t want to, I sat in the car and let him go. It felt good not to have to move for a bit!

He did fine, it was probably his first time in the shop for months. I’m happy about that!

We came back to the house and K was up. F gave her the bento and I think she was happy. I came upstairs and relaxed for a bit, I watched some YouTube and then a bit after 10 I went downstairs and took a shower.  I came back upstairs just in time to watch CSI: Las Vegas. I enjoyed that, but turned off the TV afterwards. 

F went to take a shower and I was happy to watch more YouTube. I’ve been watching a sewing channel. I’m not planning to take up sewing myself, but the woman is very funny and I like watching her make clothes. It’s Stephanie Canada and she does a lot of vintage clothing, which is cool. 

And that’s about it really. I’m sad that we didn’t go to the movie, but it wasn’t the end of the world. I’d rather that F tell me early in the day that he wasn’t up to the film than wait until the time we should leave and tell me. 

I also booked myself a haircut for Tuesday. I’m glad as my hair has been awfully shaggy lately. 

Well, that’s it for me. Not sure what I’m going to get up to on Sunday, come back later and find out! Until tomorrow….

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