July 23, 2023

Sunday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up this morning and was much too hot. Around 9:30 our room was already 29°C and I wasn’t happy. F put on the AC for a while, but turned it off a bit later. I didn’t understand why!

Later he went downstairs to cook brunch for his mother and himself. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. F had an appointment for a massage at 1 pm, so we left the house around 12:30. We came back a few minutes later as F had forgotten his walking stick. 

He left me off at S-Mall and I went in. I looked at some of the restaurants but honestly nothing tempted me. I did a little search of the hundred yen shop to look for another eyeglasses string. The one I got last week is just a bit too short. They didn’t have any strings that I liked and they didn’t have anything else that I wanted today. Oh dear!

I had a little look around the grocery store. I was looking for a chocolate that I really liked two weeks ago.  They had moved it and I had to search all through the store for it. I finally found it when I had given it up. It was a Baskin Robbins - Jamoca Almond Fudge Collaboration with Fujiya. It’s really good. It’s chocolatey and coffee and a bit fudge…maybe a little peanut buttery. I bought rather a lot, but the packets are small.

I decided that I might as well go to Doutor and have a drink and maybe a sandwich. I did that. I was a tad early, but I decided that I wanted to just chill for a while. 

I was in Doutors for a while and enjoyed my tea and sandwich. F came and joined me when he was done and I got us each another drink. 

When we finished our drinks, we decided to go back to the house via a grocery store. I asked to go to Mina and F was surprised but obliged me.

I went into the store and got a few things for tomorrow. I’m going to cook tomorrow night. I don’t really want to, but I hope it’ll be okay. I just hope that F and K might shift themselves to help a little. Ha! What am I saying? They won’t even think of it.

We went back to the house and up to our room. It was 33°C up there so of course I turned on the AC. It did cool down eventually. I stripped off most of my clothes while I was waiting. 

Around 6:30 I suggested to F that we go out for dinner. I suggested Keiten-Sushi, probably Kula since we could make a reservation there. F said he’d ask his mother and then he texted me from downstairs to see if I was okay with 8 pm. I was!

We continued to relax for a while and I got redressed a little after 7 pm. We were on the road again around 7:40 and made good time to the restaurant. We did have to wait a few minutes, but it wasn’t bad at all.

We got our table and started to order a few things. We got some onion rings, some fries and also some sushi. It wasn’t too bad tonight. I managed to keep F under control a bit and not let him order too much for his mother. He always does that. She can’t eat too much at once! When we were done, we paid and left.

We came back to the house and K went off to bed and F and I came upstairs. I watched a bit of YouTube and also the second Walking Dead episode from last week. Fitting in the two episodes during the day is a bit hard. It was mostly about the Alpha character. She’s interesting, but I’m not sure about her yet. She is a great actress though.

And that’s about it. We have NO plans for tomorrow which is a bit sad, but maybe okay. I’ll try not to worry about it until tomorrow. 

So, come back later if you like and hear all about our Monday. Until tomorrow….

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