July 24, 2023

Monday - Hot and Sunny

I got up this morning in time to watch the BBC news segment on TV. When it was finished, I’m afraid I went back to sleep. When I woke up again it was so hot in our room…it was already over 30 degrees. Ack. I was already sweating. 

I turned on the AC and I pretty much wanted to stay in front of it for the whole day! I kind of did!

I dragged myself out of bed around noon, grabbed breakfast and brought it back upstairs to eat. I watched some news and then decided that I’d go over to the bed and spend some time over there with F. It was nice. He’s still in pain and I think having a quiet day in was good for him. 

I grabbed lunch a bit later, F didn’t want any today. I brought it upstairs and ate. I watched some YouTube and also another episode of the crazy Astrology matching show I’ve been watching. I watched most of that from the bed.

I went downstairs around 6 pm to get a start on dinner. I was quite busy. The first thing I did was turn on the air conditioner downstairs! Usually, it is a bit cooler downstairs, but it wasn’t today. 

Tonight I washed some salad greens, made a cucumber salad, air-fried some potato wedges and baked some chicken. At the last minute, I added a spinach cake from the freezer. It turned out well, but F didn’t eat very much at all. He left and went upstairs.

I cleared off the table and then did the dishes while I was listening to my usual podcasts. When I was finished, I bagged up the plastic stuff in the kitchen, dropped it in the genkan…I hope F will take it out in the morning…and I said goodnight to K.

I went upstairs and relaxed for a while. I watched another episode of Apple TV’s Crowded Room. It was good, and rather deep. I’m not sure how much is left in the series.

I took a shower a bit after 10 and then came back upstairs. I watched more Apple TV, this time it was The Big Door Prize. This show has really grown on me. 

I turned off the TV when it was over and turned to YouTube instead. I started blogging but had some computer trouble and had to restart. I think my computer is getting a bit hot and it is a little elderly too. 

F went to bed and I turned off the lights for him a while ago. He thought I was still downstairs so was quite out of it I think!

Tomorrow we have a bit of a busy day. F has physiotherapy in the morning and I have a haircut appointment in the afternoon. F also wants to go to his office tomorrow evening he said. That should be fun for him!

I told him that I’m not cooking tomorrow so I’m thinking that we might have bentos for dinner or something. It’s cheaper than going out and easier for me than cooking. Probably!

Anyway, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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