July 25, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up early again this morning to watch the BBC News and turned off the TV as soon as it was over. F was getting ready to leave for the hospital too. I had to turn on the AC as it was so hot in the room. After F left the room, I turned it off as it was fairly cool and I was going to go back to sleep.

I woke up again a bit later and it was boiling in the room again. I turned on the air conditioner again and left it on. I got up, got dressed and watched the news, ate my breakfast and waited for F to come back. 

F wanted to leave for lunch as soon as he came back, so that’s just about what we did. I didn’t want to go right away. He suggested someplace that I didn’t think would be cool enough (temperature-wise). His next idea was great, but on the way there, I remembered that Tuesday was their closed day. We checked it out and it was closed. Then F suggested going to Fujishima to check the restaurant he likes there. We got there and they were closed today. Sigh. We drove back to Tsuruoka and almost everything we thought of was closed! Finally, we ended up at a Tonkatsu restaurant and it was open. I was worried about the time, but we made it! We ordered at 1:15 and got our meal ten minutes later. We actually spent a few extra minutes hanging out in the restaurant because I didn’t want to be too early for my hair appointment. 

F dropped me off at the hair salon and I went in. My stylist came out to meet me a few minutes later and we got down to business. As usual, I got a great haircut and we had a little bit of chatting too. We finished early so I texted F to see where he was and how soon he’d pick me up. I thought he’d be in S-Mall or Starbucks, but he went back to the house. That’s all the way across town. Of course, it took him more than 10 minutes to pick me up so I was a little bit upset, but glad he finally showed up!

F and I went to have a drink at Cafe Studio Cinq. It was nice in there as always. I had an iced Darjeeling tea, and F had an iced coffee.  While we were in the cafe, F asked me to photocopy some papers for him, so we went back to the hot steamy house to do that.

I copied his paper and gave it all back to him. Then, we bundled back in the car and went out to Mikawa. F needed to give his boss the original paper. It was a note from his doctor saying that he’d had an operation and couldn’t work for a while. It only took a couple of minutes.

F asked what I’d like to do after that and I suggested going to the grocery store and picking up bentos for dinner. I basically refused to cook tonight as it was just so darn hot in the house. 

I went into the grocery store and picked up some bentos for us all. I got myself a kara-age one and for F and K I got them both keisen-don. I did text F to let him pick what kind of bento he got. I paid and then we went back to the house.

It was a bit early to eat when we got back, so I came upstairs. F stayed downstairs with his mother and watched TV for a while. He came upstairs after a bit and around 7:30 I suggested that we really should eat. Poor K was probably hungry.

We had a nice meal, K and F’s bentos were small, so they were done before me, but so what. I got graced with the dishes of course, but it didn’t take that long to clean up afterwards. 

I came back upstairs and watched a bit of YouTube. At 11:00 pm I watched Resident Alien again and kept the TV on so I could record The Walking Dead. I thought I might be able to catch it on the Video on Demand part of our cable system, but it isn’t available, sad to say. 

That’s about it for today. I’ve just been watching YouTube and listening to a few songs along the way too. 

I’m not quite sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow, but we might finally go to Mission Impossible if F is feeling okay. You’ll have to come back and find out if we do go.

Until tomorrow….

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