July 26, 2023

Wednesday - Hot and Sunny

Today was a pretty good day. I slept in early on and then had a quiet afternoon. Let’s back up a bit.

F got up this morning and went out to his onsen. I slept on a bit after I watched the BBC News bit. I got up during the next news programme that I watch and saw some of it. I got dressed and went downstairs to grab my breakfast. F came back and upstairs. He wanted to go for lunch just after I ate my breakfast and I really didn’t want to. 

I went back to the bed and had a bit of a nap. I woke up at 1:30 and we still hadn’t had lunch. Oops. I offered F some cheese toast and a chicken sandwich and he accepted. I went downstairs and made them, then brought them upstairs and we ate. I watched the US news while I ate.

Around 5 pm F and I went to the grocery store, Mina. I picked up a few things for the next couple of days. I didn’t find anything for tomorrow’s dinner, but I didn’t look that hard. F came in with me for a while and then didn’t feel well and went back to the car. 

I grabbed a couple of extra things and then came back to the car. F had moved the car so I was a bit freaked out at first! Luckily I found it.

We brought the food back to the house. We’d gotten K a nice bento so F heated it up for her. We left the house around 6:30 or so. On the way to the mall, F kept trying to connect my iPhone to the stereo system in the car. I was getting rather upset with him because he wasn’t paying as much attention to the road as I wanted him to. He could have pulled over or into a store’s parking and done it in a couple of minutes, but nope…kept driving. 

When we got out to the mall I took a minute and got it done. It was something silly. F had the right screen at times, but didn’t scroll down far enough to connect.

We went into the mall and after a quick run through the 100 yen shop for another glasses cord which I didn’t buy, we went up to the cinema. We got to the ticket booth and I started the process of buying the tickets. F opened his wallet and said he didn’t have enough money. Sigh. Luckily, I did.

I bought the tickets and then we went to the close-by Food Court and ordered bibinba for ourselves. I had my favourite kimchi pork and F tried the yakiniku bibinba. The lady in the kiosk was nice enough to carry F’s over to him because I couldn’t do two at once. 

We spent a bit of time at the Food Court, even after we ate and then I suggested that we head to the cinema again. We did. F realized that he had enough money to cover the movie, so he paid me back, and then he gave me money to get the popcorn and drinks. I gave him his ticket so that he could go and get seated.

I bought the drinks and popcorn and went into the cinema. F wasn’t there, so I dropped off the munchies and headed out to the washroom. I bumped into F on his way into the cinema.

We went to see Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 and it was fun. It wasn’t the deepest movie ever, but the stunts were great and the action never let up at all. I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the finale. 

I’m not sure that F was too happy during part of the movie. I think he got a bit stiff and couldn’t move too much. However, he did say that he enjoyed the film too.

We came back to the house after we left the mall. We listened to some of my music in the car. It was a bit of a surprise!

Back at the house, F took out the gomi. I had done it up before we left the house earlier. I said that I wouldn’t want to do the garbage around midnight and I was right!

I started sweating as soon as I got in the house and until the AC kicked in up here. I took a shower and then came back upstairs. F went to sleep and now I’m just about done my blogging and all the other stuff I do this time of night. 

So that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and see what I get up to on Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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