July 27, 2023

 Thursday - Hot and sunny

I didn’t get to bed last night until very late, it was somewhere around 4 am, so I decided to forgo the BBC news this morning and just set my alarm for 10 am instead. I did wake up earlier but fell back asleep. It was so hot when I woke up that I was sweating. I turned on the AC and then went downstairs for a few minutes.

I came back upstairs and sorted my laundry, and then took it back downstairs and put it in the washing machine. I ended up doing two loads of laundry today and going outside the cool room to the hot downstairs meant I was constantly sweating. I had breakfast, but I also had to have a sports drink as I was feeling quite rough.

F had scheduled a massage for himself at 3 pm, so around 1:30 I went downstairs and made lunch for F and me. We had cheese toast and an English Muffin each. I made one side with just butter and the other side had mayo and sliced chicken. It was pretty good actually. 

We left the house around 2:30. It was a bit after, to be honest. F dropped me off at S-Mall and I went in. I got something for the kitchen at Daiso and then went downstairs and went to Doutor. I had an iced decaf coffee and read a lot of my book on my phone. I relaxed for a while and when F was finished he called me. I told him where I was and checked that he wanted to come and have a drink with me. 

I moved to another table when F arrived and I went back to the counter and ordered more drinks. This time I had a rooibos iced tea and F had an iced coffee. 

After a while, we left the mall and went over to Mina. I picked up a few things in the store, and today I was able to get onigiri for K and F’s breakfast. Yes, it’s a day old, and yes, they don’t seem to care. 

We came back to the house and discussed dinner. I suggested going somewhere cheap and suggested Gusto, but in the end, we decided to try the new gyudon shop that has just opened. We waited until close to 6:30 and piled into the car.

We took K with us which is always an experiment. She doesn’t hear well and isn’t exactly a lot of fun for us, but she has been in the hot house all day, so I wanted her to have a little cool down. 

F grabbed the computer first. At this place, you order on a machine by the door and then pay and then sit. Well, F had no idea how to use the machine and I basically only got a choice of 6 things, none of which was what I wanted to order. Sigh. I picked the least awful thing and that was that.  Later I realized that F hadn’t been working the machine correctly (I could even put it into English if I wanted) and had eliminated more than half of their menu. 

We were given a table and waited for our food to be finished. We had to go up and pick it up, which of course meant that I had to go up and get it. F can’t really manage a tray with his stick. Two dishes were done at once so I went up. I was going to try carrying them, but happily, a staff member carried the other one for me. I went up later for my own one. It was self-service for drinks too, so I got things for K and F…I got myself some water.

The food was okay. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great. I had hoped to have fried chicken, but F just didn’t show me that part of the menu. Sometimes I think he just doesn’t understand how to read Japanese. I get so frustrated with him. My Japanese is better at times!

After we finished, I had to take all the trays back to the kitchen. It definitely wasn’t the most relaxing meal for me. I’m not sure if I’ll go again willingly. 

We bundled K back towards the car and drove back to the house. It was quite quiet on the way back, except for the music in the car. My iPhone provided the music. It was rather annoying as I didn’t want to do that.  I did suggest to F earlier that he either get an old phone or an old iPod and load it with music in the car. That way we can change the music and listen quite often if we want. He shushed me as he was trying to phone his massage place to say he was running late. 

We had a fairly quiet evening at the house. I watched a bit of YouTube before Grey’s Anatomy came on. I missed it last night, so watched the rebroadcast tonight. I followed that up with The Rookie

F is still up and it is quite late. I don’t know if that is a good thing or not. I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I’ve managed to avoid cooking for most of the week so far. It is so hot and the kitchen is not the most fun place to be in this heat. We’ll see what happens tomorrow night! 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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