July 28, 2023

 Friday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up first around 8:00 and watched the BBC news segment, then turned off the TV and went back to sleep. It was hot in our room, so darn hot. 

I woke up again around 10 and had to turn on the AC as it was over 30 degrees in the room. Ack. I watched the news, fell asleep in the middle and then had to rewatch it to see the whole thing!

I got up and was going to grab my breakfast when F asked if I’d like to go to Arpeggio for brunch. What’s a gal to do? I said yes. He made lunch for his mother, and I contributed my remaining English muffins to the cause. He gave her them with some butter and ham, apparently, she liked that.  

F and I went over to Arpeggio and had a lovely meal at the restaurant. It wasn’t busy today, usually, we go on the weekend and it is packed. I had the soboro and F had the 10 dish meal. We were both happy.

We left after we finished eating. F had decided that he’d like to get his car checked, apparently, he gets a free one-month check-up. He called to see if he could get it done today. We were told it was fine at 4 pm.  It was around 2 pm at the moment.

We decided to go for coffee, so F drove down to Komeda Coffee. On the way there I suggested checking out Chateraise, which is a new place that opened in Tsuruoka a few months ago. We went in and discovered that it was basically a cake shop! They sold a lot of different stuff, so F and I picked up some ice cream.  We paid and then went and ate it in the car. It was quite nice, not fabulous, but nice.

We went over to Komeda and spent an hour or so there having an iced decaf coffee each. It was lovely. When we got close to 4 pm, we drove over to the car dealership and went in. They took about 45 minutes to check out the car. We were inside having a lovely beverage. I was reading and texting with a friend.

When they finished, we left. We drove to the grocery store and I picked up a few groceries. I got something for F and K’s breakfasts and also something for K’s lunch tomorrow. I got bentos as well for dinner. I came back out to the car and then we left. We got some gas for the car and then came back to the house.

I put the bentos in the fridge and put the other stuff away. F and I went upstairs, but before we did, we turned the AC on in the living room where K was. She refuses to use the AC but we turned it on for her. 

We came upstairs and I spent time on my computer. A little before 7 pm I went over to the bed and took a mini-nap. F and I had a little chat and snuggle and it was nice. 

We went downstairs at 7 pm and I heated up the bentos and we ate. Everyone enjoyed their meals and we had a nice time. During dinner, the doorbell rang and it was some new neighbours dropping off a snack for us. That’s quite nice of them. I’ve never done that sort of thing!

Tonight we just had a quiet evening. I watched an episode of The Walking Dead from Tuesday and then I took a shower.  When I came back upstairs, I finished up the silly astrology matching show. Whew. I don’t want to watch that again!

I turned off the TV and returned to my usual night-time things. It’s been a fairly good day, but it is so hot right now. I’m not sure if it is just that I’m feeling the heat more than usual or that I’m jealous that F is off work so I don’t want to cook, but it is probably a mixture of both things!

Tomorrow morning F and I are off to the doctor’s office and then who knows? We certainly don’t know!

Come back later if you like and hear all about our day. Until tomorrow….

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