August 11, 2023

 Friday - Hot and Sunny, humid

I woke up a bit late this morning. F woke up at his usual time and was a bit noisy as usual. I managed to sleep a little late, but was up before I have been lately!

I turned on the AC around 10 am I think and enjoyed the room a bit. F snoozed a bit, I went back to bed and read for a while and then slept a bit myself. In the later part of the afternoon, we decided to go out for lunch. I was a bit hungry. We drove around and then F suggested going to a coffee shop nearby. We went there and went in. Of course, I noticed on the way in that they were finished their food service, but F barged in and never read the signs. He never does. It is so annoying. 

We had iced coffee and then left. I was still hungry so I wasn’t too pleased that we stayed as long as we did.

We went to Yamaya and I bought some sports drinks there, some tea, and F and I got some munchies. Next up, we went to the new gyudon shop for our meal. Finally, we had food! I had a tonkatsu meal with some kara-age, and F had tonkatsu with squid. Over our late lunch-early dinner, I suggested to F that we get his mother some takeaway from the restaurant and then take it back to her. He thought it was a good idea. 

We got the take-out and brought it back to the house. F gave his mother her food, I went upstairs and started cooling down the room again. 

We spent the rest of the night in. F did ask if I wanted to go out but I didn’t. I was tired of going out and going through the whole process of picking places to go because we don’t have many options at 10 pm anyway. I was working on my column and managed to get a bit done of it. Woot. 

I took a shower and then at 11 I watched an episode of The Walking Dead. It was a bit shocking at the end.

When the movie was over, I put on The Mask and watched it. F watched it too after a bit.  After the movie finished I suggested that we have an early lunch tomorrow since F has another blooming massage booked for himself tomorrow afternoon. Out of nowhere, F started talking about going to Sakata to the port area. I’m afraid that I just froze up about that. It is freaking Obon and he wants to drive to an unknown restaurant in another city when he doesn’t have a whole lot of time for lunch. NO. I told him he should go by himself. I hope he does. I can only think of it as a fool's errand. I think of all the things that we could have been doing if he wasn’t in pain all the time and it makes me really sad. Why does he always suggest going to places that I hate? Does he think I’m accidentally going to say yes someday?

All I want to do tomorrow is work on my column and go and see Barbie which has finally opened locally. 

I hope that F will wake up and forget his idea to go to another city when he has an appointment later on in the afternoon. However, that’s up to him. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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