August 12, 2023

Saturday - Rainy and a little cooler.  Still humid

Today was a pretty good day. 

Remember last night when I said that F had booked his massage appointment for the afternoon and wanted us to go to Sakata for brunch in the morning. Well, nope. I was waking up this morning and F announced that his massage appointment was actually at 11 am today and did I want to go out with him this morning. I did not! I was a bit tired still, so I stayed in bed for a few minutes longer. 

I got up, grabbed my breakfast downstairs and got mostly dressed. I went onto my computer and relaxed for a bit. 

When F came back, we talked about going for lunch and he suggested going to the udon shop near the local grocery store. We’ve never gone and always talked about it. We went today. When we went into the restaurant, we were the only customers. I couldn’t read the menu very well and I didn’t understand half of what F was saying as he was garbling things. I ended up having cold soba with tempura. I didn’t want cold soba, I really wanted udon, but whatever….The meal was disappointing. F didn’t like his much either and while I thought mine was okay, it wasn’t great. F said he doesn’t want to go back. Yay. 

After lunch, we went off to K’s Denki to get me a new hard disk drive. I haven’t been able to back up my computer for a couple of weeks although I have tried. I wanted to get a new hard disk and thought I might look at headphones again. We went out there but it was a little odd. F didn’t seem to know where he was going. I had to keep giving him directions and he couldn’t remember where the store is. I was a tad worried about him. We went into the store and I found a hard disk drive and a pair of earphones so we paid and left. We came back to the house and relaxed for a while.

I tried to back up my computer but this hard disk drive didn’t work either. I googled it and it seems that this is a problem for some people. I’m not able to “mount” the disk for some reason. I’ll hopefully be able to do more research later on how to fix it.

We relaxed for a while, but around 5:30 or so we started getting ready to go out. We went to the grocery store and picked up some food for K. We couldn’t find any actual bentos, so we got her a few different things that she could eat. F took the food into the house and then we were on our way.

We went to Gusto near our old apartment and had a decent dinner. We were lucky enough to get in before the crowd came. F and I had the same dish, a spicy chicken thing. I had mine without rice, and F had his with rice. No big deal about dinner, it was fine.

We drove out to Mikawa and I parked F off at the Doutor. I got him a drink and then went upstairs to buy the tickets for Barbie. I did that and then I went off to Aeon. I did a little shopping. I looked around and tried on a few things. There was one shirt that I thought might do, but in the end, I decided not to get it. I was just about to run off back to meet F when I saw some folded t-shirts and decided to take a closer look. I took a couple to the changing room and liked both of them. One of them has a very loud print, it has lots of monstera deliciosa and other plants on it. The other one has a more geometric design on them and is quite nice. I decided to get them both. I’ve been wanting a couple of new tops for a while and it was nice to find something I like!

I paid for the tops and then came back to Doutor to pick F up. We went upstairs and I sent F into the cinema as soon as it was open. I got in line to buy popcorn and drinks. There were a group of foreigners behind me and it was a bit cool to be able to eavesdrop on them. Don’t worry, they weren’t saying anything terribly important or personal!

I went into the cinema and dropped off the popcorn and drinks then used the washroom. I came back and got ready to see Barbie. I liked it, and I’m hoping to see it again, but I’m not sure that I loved it. I thought there was a little too much Ken, particularly near the end but it was quite fun. 

We came back to the city after the movie and discussed going to a conbini, but decided not to. I was too late to watch CSI: Las Vegas, and since the DVR still isn’t fixed, I decided to watch it on demand later. I ended up watching the end of Don’t Worry Darling which was odd and I may need to see the rest of it later. 

And that’s about it. It was quite a good day if I’m honest and it was nice not to fight with F. I’m not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow so come back later if you like and find out! Until tomorrow….

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