August 14, 2023

 Monday - Hot and Sunny, Humid

I woke up early for me today and watched the news at 8:00am. I think I got F to turn on the AC around then too. It was already 30 degrees in our room. Sigh.

I went back to sleep for a couple of hours…well, that was the plan. I woke up about 3 hours later. Sigh. I got up and got half dressed. F had gone back to sleep. He was wrapped up in a blanket because he found the room too cold. I was hot still.  Finally, F got up and we decided to go out for lunch. I suggested a couple of places and then got ready to go. 

I went downstairs and put some food on a plate for K and heated it up. I gave her some other stuff too and gave her a drink. I also turned on the AC in the living room. It was 35°C in there! F and I left. Our first choice, just down the street had finished lunch already, so we went to The Grand El Sun. 

At the Grand El Sun, we were shown to a table and checked the menu. We decided to have the same thing, the daily meat meal. It came with a drink bar and we had a good meal. Everything was very nice. We even got seconds on the focaccia. I got F his drinks because I’m a nice person.

After our meal, we talked about what to do. F sadly wasn’t feeling that great, so we came back to the house. As we neared the big corner, I suggested getting us all ice cream, and F agreed. I went into the store and bought them. 

Back at the house, I gave K the ice cream. I had to get her up again. She was sleeping in her bedroom, with the window open and the air conditioner on in the living room. Sigh. I closed the window and woke her up.  She was happy to see the ice cream!

I went upstairs and ate my ice cream up here. After that, I watched a few YouTube videos and then worked on my column. I wrote about a couple of movies so that was good. 

Around 7 pm I suggested to F that we have dinner. I also asked about taking K out with us. We decided that we’d go to Gusto with K. Off we went. 

Gusto was quite busy and we had to wait for about 15 minutes. We were seated and then ordered. F and I ended up having the same thing again, except he had more rice than I did. K had some fried chicken which she tried to pawn off on F! I kept everyone supplied with drinks, and also fries! We ordered some with our meals.  Dinner was okay. Our curry wasn’t bad, and we both enjoyed it. 

We came back to the house to drop K off and then F and I went off to do a little shopping. F did all the shopping tonight. He has physiotherapy tomorrow morning and then he’ll have to give K some food for lunch. I’m off with my friend to the mall. We’re going to go and see Barbie together. She’s bringing her kids, I think they’ll go and see something else together. I hope. 

In the evening I worked on a T-shirt that I haven’t worn in a couple of years. I’ve been meaning to do it for a long time. I decorated it a bit. There’s a stain on the front that I got the first time I wore it and it didn’t come out. Sigh. I did a few different things to it and I think it looks a bit cool. I might do more later, it depends on how I feel about it.

I also watched an episode of The Great British Sewing Bee and thought it was fun. It was making kids' clothing which honestly wasn’t that interesting for me. Still, I like the show. 

And that’s about it for me for tonight. I’ll update you tomorrow with lots of news about my day. Until then….

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