August 15, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and Sunny

My alarm went off this morning and I woke up. I turned on the TV so I could watch the BBC News. F got up around the same time and went downstairs. When he came back he told me that he had made his mother some breakfast. That was a tad annoying since I had bought her something for breakfast on the weekend. Grr. He got ready a bit before 9 and left. He said that it was better for him to go early to the hospital. Okay then!

I tried to go back to sleep but my brain wouldn’t shut off. I finally got up a bit earlier than I normally would. Not a bad thing. I did a bit of a foot treatment on myself and got half-dressed. I grabbed my breakfast and brought it upstairs to eat. 

F came back around 11:30 or so and my friend had texted to say she was on her way. I went downstairs just before noon to get ready. The doorbell rang and F went out to greet my friend. I saw K in her pyjamas looking out the window trying to figure out who was there! I managed to get her attention to tell her that it was my friend.

My friend and I and her children drove off to Mikawa and then we went to the Food Court. We went to the Food Court and lined up at McDonald's.  We found a seat (well, my friend’s son did!) and had a nice meal. I rarely eat McDonald’s food, so I’m not sure how my stomach likes it.

After our meal, we went over to the cinema. My friend and I got our tickets next to each other and she bought tickets for her kids too. They were going to a different show. Ours started first, so we went in and got to our seats. We went to see Barbie and had a great time. It was rather funny because at the beginning of the movie, my friend whispered something to me and a staff member came over and told her to be quiet! Now, lest you think this was a packed cinema and we were disturbing other people…there might have been 8 people in the cinema and no one was close to us at all!

I have to say that I enjoyed the movie a lot more this time than I did the first time. I didn’t “get” the last part of it, but this time it made more sense. 

After the movie, we had to wait a little for the children to finish their movie. When they were done, we had a good reunion and then tried to go for ice cream or something, but the youngest was a bit tired. My friend picked up something in the mall and then her son got to have some free time by himself. Sadly, my friend had to leave as her youngest was a little overstimulated. I walked them to the mall door nearest her car and we said goodbye. 

A few minutes later, I texted F to see if he was on his way. A couple of minutes I got a text back from F and he said he was parked in the mall’s parking lot. I asked if he was going to come in and he said no. I walked over to the car and reminded F that he wanted to do a little shopping in the mall. He remembered and then we drove around to another door so that F didn’t have to walk too far. 

We went into the mall and upstairs. F needed a couple of new T-Shirts so he went looking for them. I went looking for socks again. I picked up a couple of socks, hopefully, they’ll work for me. F did get himself a couple of T-shirts, so that is a good thing. He did need some new ones.

After our shopping, we went downstairs to Mr Donuts and had a donut and an iced coffee. I had a decaf cafe au lait and F had an iced cafe au lait. It was nice to just sit and chat and relax for a while. 

We decided to drive back to Tsuruoka for dinner. I suggested trying Foodever on our way into town and F was okay with that. We parked and took the elevator down…and discovered that 3 out of 4 restaurants were closed and when we went to order at the last one, it had closed too. It was only 7 pm. We thought about the nearby yakiniku, but it wasn’t open today. Sigh.

F suggested Coco Ichibanya for curry. We did have curry last night, but the curry at Coco Ichibanya is really, really good. I had the chicken and summer vegetables curry, F had curry with cutlet and we both had lemon lassi to drink. Our meal was quite nice.

We hit up a grocery store for a few things for tomorrow. I got K a couple of sandwiches again, some beer for F, some yogurt for me and that was about it. 

We came back to the house and went in. F took charge of his beverage, I took charge of the sports drink I bought and then I went outside and watered the tomato plants out on the step. After that, I came upstairs and relaxed.

I watched the first episode of the second season of Good Omens and then Resident Alien. I put on some music while The Walking Dead was recorded, but I couldn’t watch it tonight. 

And that is about it for my day. It was quite a good one and I enjoyed myself. It was lovely seeing my friend today and discovering for myself that her son is really growing up and is turning into a nice young man who does speak English rather well!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. What will Wednesday be like? Until tomorrow….

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