August 21, 2023

Monday - Hot, Sunny and Humid. Ho Hum

I woke up this morning and watched the news. For a change, I watched the whole news, today there was a little bit of English news at the end. Quite a few of the news segments talked about the fires in Kelowna. F and I chatted a bit and he talked about going for lunch to the Sakata Port. He told me there’s a new restaurant and he wanted to go today. I tried not to be horrible about it, so I asked for more info. I asked him to make sure that it was open today and he said it was. I also asked him when we would have to leave and he said before 11 so I said I’d try and wake up around 10 and then I went back to sleep.

I did manage to wake up around 10am and got up a few minutes later. I got dressed and then we went off to Sakata. It turns out that there is a new food court at the Port in Sakata. There are a bunch of different types of places. F and I had tuna on rice which came with miso soup today. It was good, but I’m not sure it was worth getting up and driving all that way for! Next time if I have to go, I’m going to try the fish and chip place. It didn’t look too busy or British, but I might try it. 

After we finished our lunch we went back to the car and decided to go to the Aeon in Sakata. I like the craft department there and I also suggested having a drink and a doughnut at Mr Donut. F was okay with that. We went in and I visited the craft section. I only bought some sashiko thread and also  some alphabet beads. I thought they were cool. After that, F and I walked over to Mr Donut and had a cold drink and a doughnut. 

We drove back to Mikawa. I had bought us each drinks at a vending machine so we could hydrate! We made a quick stop at Mikawa so I could go to the post office and make a deposit. Yay! 50 less one yen coins in my stash!

We came back to Tsuruoka and bought some groceries. I went into the store and picked up a few things for dinner tonight. A day or two ago, I had checked food in the fridge and noticed that it was expiring soon, so talked to F about having dinner at the house with some sandwiches or something. He liked the idea, so I had to follow through!

We came back to the house and I put away the groceries. I went upstairs and relaxed for a while, and even took a nap for a couple of hours. I woke up around the time I had to go downstairs and start dinner. Sigh.

I got a start on dinner. I made some cucumber pickle for K and I also pickled some red onion with the ancient vinegar we have. I put sliced chicken on a plate and made some tuna salad. I sliced the bread and put some salad on the table too. I was busy! It was hot in the kitchen, despite having the door open to the air-conditioned living room. 

We started eating at about 7:15 and almost everything disappeared! The red onion pickles were lovely and really made the sandwiches. K was digging in too and I think she enjoyed herself. We’ve had a lot of bentos and going out, so she probably liked having a “family” type meal. However, I didn’t like having to do all the work and not getting any help. I mean, things like I put the plates on the table…she couldn’t think to divvy them out to us all. 

I did the dishes afterward, and the plastic garbage,  and listened to a couple of podcasts which I enjoyed. They were about movies as usual. Well, news and movies!

I came upstairs and after a bit of YouTube, I went and took a shower. I did a little bit of cleaning stuff in the kitchen and then had a shower. When I came out and was getting dressed, I heard someone open the front door of the house. I looked out and it was K. She had gotten up and was looking out the door. I’m not sure if she was checking that F and I were still here or if she was wondering about the plants, but it was odd. I told F later and we’re both a bit worried that she may start wandering some night. Sigh. 

I didn’t get to watch any fun TV tonight, but I did watch the news which was recorded this afternoon. That was good. 

Tomorrow, F has an early massage and then we might go and do lunchtime karaoke. We’ve got a bit of a busy week this week and it is still so darn hot. Argh. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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