August 22, 2023

Tuesday - Hot, Sunny and Humid. Argh

I woke up this morning to watch the news but F pipped me to the washroom. Still, I managed to get back to the room before it started. F went off to his massage around 8:30 and I went back to sleep. Of course, I turned on the AC at 8 am because it was already 30 degrees in our room. Will it ever cool down?

I woke up sometime around 10:30 when F came back to the room. We had a lazy, relaxing time for a while and then we started to talk about going out and doing our plan. I got dressed and out we went!

We went over to the Karaoke place and only had to wait a few minutes. We ordered our lunch at the desk and were told it might take a while. We grabbed our drinks and went off to karaoke.  I had a great time. F did for a while, but he got tired or didn’t feel well or something. Actually, his meal was very salty and I don’t think it agreed with him. He had a salty dish, but this was very over-salted and wasn’t very nice. We ordered a couple of other things so that F could enjoy something, but I don’t know if he did. I tried really hard not to sing things that I sang last time so I did some songs that I haven’t done in years. That was rather fun.

After we finished, it was after 4 pm so too late for my post office deposit de jour so we went to J. Marui so we could get cheapish bentos for dinner. 

We came back to the house and came upstairs to relax. I watched a bit of YouTube and drank some sports drink. When I came into the room at first it was 36°C. That was just crazy hot. It took a while to cool down as well. 

We heard K bopping around downstairs at 7 pm so I told F that we should go down and serve dinner soon. We went downstairs, but K wasn’t feeling well and wanted to sleep. She got up and sat with us for a few minutes, drank some mugi-cha and then went back to bed. When F and I finished eating he wanted to go out and get some of his special beer. I couldn’t go because I had to do the dishes. How nice for me.

I did the dishes, listening to my podcasts of course. When the dishes were finished, I watered the plants outside and then went back upstairs. It had got a little warmer again in the room, but I’ll take 30 over 36 degrees any day.

I had a fairly quiet evening. I decided to watch something on the Fire Stick, so I put on the first episode of The Closer. I really liked it. It was quite different from the spin-off of it, Major Crimes. I didn’t like it that much, especially at first, but by the end of Major Crimes, I was a huge fan. I sort of hope that WOWOW will get it for on-demand as well.

When The Closer finished, it was time for Resident Alien. As always, I really enjoyed it. I have the TV on now so that I can record The Walking Dead. It’s too late for me to watch, but if I don’t have the TV on, I can’t record it properly. Will F ever fix my DVR? It’s been 8 months of this nonsense, so my guess is not. It isn’t inconveniencing him at all, so why should he care? He doesn’t. If there are still Walking Dead episodes when I leave, he’s going to have to have the TV on to record them for me! He’ll love that. 

Anyhoo, I’m not mad at him really at the moment. He was very nice today and it really was a big treat to go out to karaoke today. 

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. K has some kind of presentation in the morning and I’ve got to go back to the doctor’s office to get test results. Apart from that, I have no idea. Mind you, going to the doctor in Japan can be an all-day affair. Last week it took us about 3 hours there. 

Come back later if you like and hear about my day. Until tomorrow….

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