August 23, 2023

Wednesday - Hot-Sunny-Humid

I went to bed a bit later than usual last night as I was backing up my computer. A couple of weeks ago I had trouble getting my hard disk to show up on my computer. I even bought a new hard disk thinking it was my hard disk’s problem. Well, last night, I tried to back up…and it worked. I tried the new hard disk too and it took ages as it was starting from the beginning. At one point it told me it would take 11 hours, which worried me rather a lot. It didn’t, it took a lot less than that.

I woke up this morning and watched the BBC news broadcast and then went back to sleep. I had to turn on the AC in the morning too as it was 30 degrees and I was hot and sweaty!

I went back to bed after the news and slept quite late again. I keep doing that. I wake up when my alarms go off, but I keep turning them off. We didn’t have any plans for the early part of the day anyway.

We got up and got dressed. I watched the US PBS news and then we left the house. We went to Cocos for lunch and just squeaked in to be able to order lunch rather than dinner. I had almost the same type of pasta as I did yesterday at the karaoke place, but it was really good. I had a lemon avocado shrimp pasta and it was nice. It came with salad, soup bar and drink bar. F had a cold noodle dish which he was so-so about as usual. 

After lunch, we went over to the clinic to get my test results and they were fine. The doctor told me I should lose weight but I know that. What, does he think that is a surprise? Oh, and I had to tell the nurses to call me by my family name, not by my first name. It’s rather disrespectful and othering as well. 

F and I left the clinic and went to the grocery store to pick up some bentos. I went into the store and there weren’t any bentos left. It was crazy. There were something like 2 actual bentos so I had to buy some sushi and something fishy for K. I got some chicken, a salad and some veggies for me. 

We got back to the house and I put the food in the fridge. It was so hot. Happily, K was using the AC in the living room, as it was terribly hot today. Unfortunately, upstairs it was a sweltering 36°C. This was after 6 p.m., so you’d think it would be cooling down by then. Nope. 

F and I didn’t eat until after 9:30. K didn’t eat at all, she didn’t want to. I had my food and also added some yogurt and cereal for dessert. Yum.

I went downstairs to take my shower, but I also had to do the garbage. I did all the bagging and replacing bags and stuff. Then I went to the bathroom. I tried to fix the towel rack again, but it still didn’t work. Sigh. No idea why. I took my shower and then came back upstairs. I was so glad that I was back in the AC-cooled area. It is so hot right now. 

I watched Grey’s Anatomy tonight from the beginning that I recorded, but for some reason, it stopped halfway through. Luckily I could watch it On Demand from the cable company so I got to see the whole thing. 

And that was about that. We had talked about going to Costco tomorrow, but it is going to be extremely hot again tomorrow, so we decided to postpone our trip for another week or so. We don’t want to leave K alone all day when it is this hot. Next week should be a little cooler…we hope!

So, we don’t really have any plans for tomorrow. It’s kind of nice to have an “off” day though, so that is good. I just hope that we do something or go somewhere for a bit. 

Anyway, that was my day. I’ll try and fill you in on what happens on Thursday. Until tomorrow…. 

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