August 29, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and Sunny

Well, today didn’t start well, but it ended okay so that’s something!

I woke up before 8 to watch the BBC news, which I did. F had gone downstairs before me, so I had to wait. I went back to sleep after the BBC segment, or I tried to. F did. I set my alarm for 9:15 and got up when it went off and started to get dressed. F said he’d get up at 9:30. 

We had bought something for K’s breakfast yesterday so when F went downstairs to make her breakfast, I expected he’d be right back. He took about 40 minutes. He came back upstairs and it was 10:10. I was not pleased. I wanted to go and have breakfast before we left. Breakfast basically goes until 10:30. And F was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I asked if he was going to change. No. I mentioned that I thought he’d be cold at Costco as it tends to be cold in there. Okay then.

We had nothing ready to go. I went downstairs, I grabbed the Costco bags and F brought the cooler and we went out to the car. By now it was 10:20 and there was no way that we’d get to the restaurant in time to have breakfast. I was really upset and was quite vocal about it. F got angry at me and decided not to go today. To be honest, I was really glad about that. He went back in the house, and so did I. He told his mother we wouldn’t go today and then he went back to bed. 

I spent a few minutes on my computer and then I went back to bed too.

We slept/snoozed/whatever for a while. A bit after 1 we started talking again and it was okay. We went out for lunch to the Daiichi Hotel in S-Mall. They didn’t have their weekly cheaper meal available, so we had their hamburg lunch. It was quite nice if I’m honest. F had his with rice, I had mine with bread. They forgot to give me butter, so F asked for me and I got it. 

Over lunch, F made himself an appointment for a massage and I asked if he would take me to a post office to make a deposit. I’m a bit behind where I wanted to be this month. Oh well. Still, I am doing better than I expected.

After the post office, we drove to a hardware store. F looked around, I looked at the hundred yen stuff. Neither of us bought anything. F drove me back to S-Mall a little early and then he went back to his massage. I did a little shopping and looking around in the mall. I got a couple of things in Daiso, the hundred yen shop, a nice pen for myself in the bookstore and then I just decided that I wouldn’t keep wandering around. I went straight to Doutor and had a large rooibos tea. I played games on my phone and then I read some of my book. F didn’t call, he just showed up!

I got F a drink and myself another, smaller one. We had a nice visit. F asked over lunch if I’d be willing to go to Costco on Wednesday so I said I would. I went over my shopping list with him but I know what I want to buy, but he’s the one who’ll have to cook it after I leave!

We grabbed some food in the mall for K and for F for later on. I wasn’t sure if we’d go out or what we would do afterwards. We came back to the house and F gave his mother her food. She got some sashimi on rice, it looked quite nice. 

We went out again right away. I had suggested a Chinese restaurant on the other side of the park and we were able to get in. We were even a bit before the last order. Yay. We got some nice food. F had yakisoba, I had stir-fried veggies, and we also had some kara-age and some gyoza. We shared everything and it was pretty good. We paid and left.

We went over to the grocery store and picked up a few things for K for tomorrow. Hopefully, we can get away on time so that we can have breakfast. I like having breakfast out since I never get a proper breakfast here!

We came back to the house and I put away the groceries and then I headed upstairs. It was hot in our room so I turned on the AC and then took off as many clothes as was decent!

At 11 pm I watched the last episode of Resident Alien for season 2. It was a humdinger. It was a lot of fun and I laughed a lot. I turned on the Fire Stick and played some music while The Walking Dead recorded. 

Anyway, that’s it for me for today. I want to get to bed early tonight so I can hopefully get on the road tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Did we make it to Costco? Until tomorrow….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Hele,
I was wondering when you are going to Canada and also about the deposits you make at the post office. We don't do anything like that here, so i was curious.
Have you been crocheting? I haven't been doing much because I have a couple of other things on my mind these days.
Have fun at Costco tomorrow.

Helen said...

It's too hot to do much of anything craftwise at the moment I'm afraid. I'm not crocheting right now.

I'm going to Canada next month! Yay.

Japan Post has a banking function. It's generally quite good and we can access our money all over the country. Unfortunately, they aren't open 24 hours a day, not even the ATMs. They brought in a stupid rule that we can only deposit 50 coins at one time for free, so I've got heaps of small denomination coins that I have to put in the post office a little at a time! It's so silly.

Their rules, not mine, so I do what I can to rebel and bring in coins when I get rides to the post office.

Leaving in a few minutes! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.