September 30, 2023

Saturday - Cloudy and cold

Well, yesterday I did a load of laundry and I'm downstairs doing another one now! What an exciting holiday I am having!! (Actually, I am, it's just one of those things when you holiday for more than a week.)

Last night we had breakfast for dinner, which is a little funny as I had breakfast for brunch yesterday too. I didn't mind. I'm happy to eat all the potatoes, sausages and scrambled eggs that I can! 

After dinner we watched a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon and they were quite interesting. Daryl is my favourite character and it is really interesting to see him in a place where he can't speak the language. It sounds familiar to me. There aren't quite as many zombies in Japan though. Well, they don't bite anyway.

 We followed that up with an old movie that I had watched on TV a few years ago, The Judge with Robert Duvall and Robert Downey, Jr. It was fine. I was glad it wasn't full of zombies or something.

I went to bed and did some phone games for a while. However, I fell asleep before I really got ready for bed, so I woke up around 2 am and read my book for a while before I fell asleep. 

I got up around 8:30 or 9:00 this morning and went downstairs. I just had a cup of coffee, no breakfast, so when lunchtime came around I was rather hungry. I had a couple of pita breads with some ham in them. Yum.

I did a catnap on the bed, and then decided to rouse myself. My sister said that as her husband was out for a bit, it was a good time to use the computer downstairs, so here I am.  I realized today that I have been here for 2 weeks already, less than that is left on my holiday. I would still like to do a little shopping, I need some pants and maybe another pair of jeans if I can find them. Long sleeved T-Shirts/tops would be good too.

I'm not sure what we'll do the rest of the day. There was some talk about going out for dinner, so we might do that. I'll try and fill you in later. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my exciting times in Canada!

Until tomorrow....

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