September 3, 2023

 Sunday - Hot and Sunny…again

When I first woke up this morning the room wasn’t terribly hot. I went downstairs and then came back upstairs and went to bed again. When I woke up next time, a bit before 11 a.m., the room was hot and I had to turn on the AC. F and I seemed to take turns snoozing. I got up and checked my email, and a bit later F and I had a discussion about where to go for lunch. He wanted to go for ramen and I told him I didn’t. He knew that! Finally, I suggested going to a couple of places that served ramen and other food too. He picked one, and we went there. 

We did have to wait a couple of minutes to get a table, but we did. F ordered some chahan for himself and I ordered the egg/fungus/pork dish that I like. Then, F decided he also wanted some ramen, so he ordered that for himself too. We shared the non-ramen dishes and they were very nice!

When we finished our lunch we came back into Tsuruoka and had a drink at Komeda Coffee. Well, I had a drink, and F had a kakigori. It was a small one but he seemed to like it. We stayed there for a while and then just went back to the house. 

We relaxed for a while and then F checked that his mother had eaten. She had. 

We left the house around 7 p.m. and went to Coco Ichibanya. We had curry there. I had the special spice curry, it was Massaman curry. To be honest, I didn’t like it too much. It was very cinnamon spice forward, and I’m not a huge fan of cinnamon if I’m honest. It wasn’t too spicy for me, and I liked some of it, but I probably wouldn’t have it again. F had the handmade chicken cutlet curry. He said it was too salty for him!

After dinner, we drove off to the mall and went in. We bought our movie tickets and a few minutes later went in and saw The Haunted Mansion. I had heard some terrible things about the movie, but to be honest, I had a lot of fun. It wasn’t the best film ever, but it reminded me of the Disney ride and the main actor did a really good job.  It was a tad long, but I enjoyed it.

We drove back to Tsuruoka and came back to the house. I watered the plants outside and then prepared some yogurt and cereal for myself. I brought it upstairs and ate while I watched a bit of YouTube. 

It’s been a lovely evening, a bit quiet, but rather nice.

I have no idea what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. I might do a bit of shopping, I was thinking about making dinner again tomorrow night. I think if we do, it’ll be a fairly casual thing. I don’t want to stress myself and it is still quite hot so the kitchen isn’t a fun place to spend a lot of time. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…. 

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