October 10, 2023

Tuesday - Cloudy but warm

Well, Monday was a bit of an odd day. It was very quiet around here. It was a national holiday so we got to relax a bit, which was good.

I packed my smaller suitcase in the morning. It's not finished yet, I'll have to put more stuff in it, but it got a lot of my things out of the way. 

After lunch I took a bit of a nap. Nothing much was going on, so I wrapped myself up in a quilt on my bed and had a snooze. It was nice.  I got up and decided that I wasn't in Canada to sleep, but I was here to spend time with my family, so I went downstairs and was more sociable. 

In the early evening I watched another two episodes of Agents of Shield. Man, I miss that show. They had so many great ideas and characters. I'm hoping I can catch the last four episodes before I leave, although I am now thinking about getting the Disney channel if I can talk F into it!

We had dinner which was leftovers and it was great. I love having leftovers! I wish we had them more often in Japan, rather than big sit-down dinners where I do all the work. 

Everyone went to bed early except me! I stayed downstairs a little past 11 but then I went up to my room. I watched some YouTube (mostly Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers) and packed part of my big suitcase. There's still a lot of room in it, happily. I don't think I bought quite so many things as I have in other years, but we shall see.

I went to sleep a bit after one I think.

This morning, I tried to get up a bit earlier. I'll have an early morning on Thursday and I need it to go smoothly. I had breakfast, then started some laundry and took a shower. I'm still doing laundry, but it's nearly done. My sister always suggests that I wash everything here so I don't have to wait for it to dry back in the house. She's right, but sometimes my clothes are not to be put in the dryer. They take longer. Hopefully, the things I washed today, will be dry by the time I need to pack them!

Later this afternoon, I'm meeting my friend to have coffee and have a last get-together. I'll really miss her when I'm back in Japan. It's been lovely seeing as much of her as I have. 

I'm not sure if I'll be able to post tomorrow. If I can't, the next entry will likely be when I'm back in Japan and a bit rested. I'll talk to you later!

Until next time.... 


Kelly said...

I have enjoyed reading your travel entries, hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Canada. 😊

Helen said...

Thanks Kelly! I was just checking my email and checking in to my flights. It feels like the time has passed so quickly.

uthman said...

Safe travels Helen . Always a pleasure

Helen said...

Thank you! I'm back safely in my little corner of the world now.

Kelly said...

I'm sure it would have. We just came back from 6 weeks travelling around Japan and even though it was quite a big chunk of time it went very quickly! Now time to get back to reality again. :)