October 18, 2023

Wednesday - Warmish, and slightly cloudy

Today was just about as boring as the last couple of days have been. Yesterday, I slept after every meal, the medicine made me groggy. I was in bed again before 11pm and slept basically until 6 am. 

I tried to go back to sleep but had a difficult time with it. F got up quite early, I woke up a bit after him but stayed in bed for ages. I never got dressed today! Again.

One of the times I went downstairs to get lunch and use the facilities, K tried to welcome me into the living room. Poor thing must be a bit lonely. She thinks I have a cold. I didn’t want to tell her I couldn’t, but really, I couldn’t go near her at all. 

My temperature was almost normal for a while today, although it got a bit higher in the late afternoon. Today I watched some news programmes but I’m not sure if they made much sense to me. Then again, the situation in the world today doesn’t make much sense period. 

F made some curry today, so I had that for dinner. It was good, if a bit salty. 

I did up the garbage tonight so I must be on the mend a bit. Actually, I just wanted to make sure it was done MY way! F did a reasonable job though when I was away. He took it out to the gomi station for us tonight. (shh….don’t tell anyone)

I actually took a shower tonight and it felt wonderful. I hadn’t taken one since Saturday morning at the hotel in Haneda, so this was a pleasant thing. I felt rather tired afterwards, sad to say. 

I hope I’m getting better. It’s hard to know what is leftover jet lag and what is leftover Covid. I think the fact that I’m not sleeping right now is probably a good thing, although I’m starting to get very, very tired again. 

Anyway, I’ll talk to you again when I can. I hope you can understand if I don’t blog every day for a bit. 

Until next time….

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