October 17, 2023

 Tuesday - Windy and cool

Apologies for not writing sooner.

My flights back to Japan all went well and for the most part, were quite comfortable. I was able to use the lounge at Vancouver for a few minutes which was a nice perk. If I’d thought about it earlier, I could have had lunch there too. Once I boarded the plane to Japan I had a bit of a problem. At first, there was an older Japanese lady next to me, but it seemed that she wasn’t in the right seat. She moved and a Japanese guy sat there instead. He asked me if I knew the other foreigner at the end of the row and if I’d like to sit next to him. Well, no I didn’t know him and I’d particularly picked the aisle seat for myself so….

I watched a couple of movies on the plane, some TV programmes and listened to a bit of music. The food was okay and as a perk, we were allowed to have a drink from the Business class. I had an umeshu. It wasn’t the best I’ve ever had though. 

The guy next to me was a pain though. I have no problem with him asking me to let him out, although it might have been nice if he had asked the guy next to him to let him out some of the time too. The seat in front of me was reclined a bit, so there wasn’t a ton of space in front of me to get out, so the guy’s solution was just to clamber all over me to get out. He wouldn’t let me stand up, something I’d much rather do. That meant I got his scrawny butt in my face all the time. I must admit I wasn’t the nicest about it and swore rather a lot. He took his socks off and put his feet up on the armrest ends of the row in front of us, he fidgeted all the way back to Japan. Argh. I had planned to sleep a bit but never was able as he kind of upset me.

Back in Japan, I got through Customs and Immigration easily, got my suitcases and then was able to put one of them in for delivery. I kept my other suitcase with me. I bussed over to the other terminal and checked into my hotel. After calling F who was happy to hear from me, I went looking for dinner. Most restaurants were closed, so I ended up getting something from a conbini. I got a little bit for breakfast and something for dinner too, plus something to drink as I was thirsty. 

I was in bed by 11:00 p.m. 

On Saturday, I got up, showered and dressed and then met up with my friend. We had lunch and then wandered all over the Airport. We even went over to the International terminal again. We had a Krispy Kreme doughnut and then it was nearly time for me to pick up my bags and get checked in. It was all very new age-spacey to check in my suitcase, the machine checked dimensions and weight before spitting out a luggage tag that I added to it. 

We hugged goodbye and then I went through into the checked-in area. We had to board the plane to Shonai by bus so that was fun. I didn’t get a seat on the bus. No worries. 

The plane ride to Shonai Airport was lovely. I had a good view out the window…for a change, I took the window seat and it was worth it. I couldn’t quite tell where we were when I could see the ground, but it was still beautiful. It wasn’t quite dark yet, so the view was nice.

F met me at the airport and we went for dinner right away. I had suggested going for keiten sushi, but he suggested The Grand El Sun, and since my trip started with a meal there, I liked the symmetry of it. We had a lovely meal and then came back to the house.

At the house, I said a quick hello to K and then headed upstairs. I was tired and went to bed quite early.

Sunday, we went out for lunch and then we both started to feel bad. F was looking for winter tires and I stayed in the car. I didn’t want to walk around tire shops. 

We bought a few groceries and bentos for dinner. I went to bed and didn’t have mine. I had a 37.5-degree fever.

Monday, F didn’t go to work. He had a bad headache and since I was still rocking a 37.5-degree fever, decided we should get tested and see what’s up.

Well, long story short…I have Covid. F’s test was negative, but the doctor is treating him like he has it too. I’ve got a lot of medicine and I slept most of last night too. I finally ate my bento or most of it. We’re quarantined until Saturday or something, after that we can go out if we’re feeling okay. F’s sister will bring us some groceries if we need them. 

So, I’m sorry that I didn’t update earlier, but I had a really good reason. I feel a little better today and my temperature is only 37 degrees so a bit of improvement!

Anyway, I’m back to bed. Talk to you next time!


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,

I'm glad you made it home safely. It seems like you had a nice time away for the most part. But what a bummer to come down with Covid upon your return!!!

I had Covid in January even though I had gotten all four of the vaccination shots that were offered up to that point. I picked it up when I visited one of my kids and her husband got sick the day after I arrived. I did start taking Paxlovid right away. I wasn't very sick, just inconvenienced. And I relapsed a few days after testing negative, so had to quarantine a second time. For close to three weeks my life was on hold. But happily, no signs of long covid or any other symptoms.

Wishing you a speedy recovery. And I hope F and K dont come down with it.


Kelly said...

Oh no, do you think it was the plane? I never got sick in Japan at all, even though I went to some pretty crowded places and expected it, but the day after we got home to Perth I had a fever and congestion, ended up with the flu and a chest infection! My son also got a touch of it. The only thing I can say is it's better to feel unwell at home so you have your own bed to be in. I hope you and hubby feel better soon!

Helen said...

gn in Mass....Thanks for your kind words. I am feeling much better although I am still sleeping a lot. My temperature is almost normal now so that's a good thing.

F is off work and I am staying far away from K as I really don't want to give this to her. It's quite nasty.

I have no idea if it was the plane or not. I did wear a mask for the most part on the plane back to Japan, but not the one in Canada. It could have been anywhere that I caught it. I'd like to blame the guy I sat next to, but he was just odd. He also didn't seem to be sick.

Anyway, thank you both for your good wishes. I am on the mend, but really tired.