October 19, 2023

Thursday - Cool but sunny

Well, honestly, I’m not sure that today’s update is even worth looking at. I had a pretty boring day. I couldn’t stay awake last night, so I went to bed and didn’t watch Grey’s Anatomy. I did record it though and watched it this evening. 

I slept most of the way through the night last night, the first time in ages. I just haven’t been sleeping that well lately.

Today I got up a bit before 10 despite waking up around 7am. I think I fell back asleep.  I had my usual breakfast, watched the news and then tried to snooze a little, but didn’t. 

I spent most of the day out of bed, which is definitely an improvement. I can’t say that I felt great all day, however.

F made his mother and himself udon for dinner, and I declined. After a while, he went out for yakitori for us. It was really good and I enjoyed it. However, I realized that I hadn’t really had any vegetables at all today! Just the few onions that were in the yakitori. Oh dear. 

That’s about it for today. It’s now almost midnight and I am still up, but think I’ll be going to bed very soon. I’m under quarantine until Saturday I think, not sure if I have to stay in all Saturday or if I can start going out from Saturday. I guess I’ll see what happens, and how I am. 

Come back later if you want and hear all about my boring days! Until next time….


Rosa said...

What rotten luck getting sick on your trip. But I guess at least it wasn't on your way to Canada so that you would have to quarantine on vacation! Hope you continue to feel better day by day.

Helen said...

It was a bit of bad luck, but at least so far no one that I spent time with in Canada has come down with the dread lurgy, which is a big relief. Also, I didn't have to quarantine at my sister's house, so that was good too.

I'm starting to feel more myself and my temperature is going in the right direction, so yay for that!

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