October 20, 2023

Friday - Rainy and cloudy

Well, today was a boring day like all the others I’ve had recently but, there were a couple of new details. One, I got up and put actual clothes on!  I’ve been living in my pyjamas for most of the week and haven’t bothered getting dressed at all. It was only sweatpants and a T-shirt, but hey, it counts. Two, I watched a couple of movies in the evening. Our cable channel ran the two Puss in Boots films, the old one and the newest, so I watched them both. I think F even watched the second one a bit. Woot.

I got up a bit late today after a pretty decent sleep. I’ve had a few nights this week where my fever gave me some weird dreams. The first night I was sick, my dreams were all along the lines of The Chrysalids, the John Wyndham novel. I’ve been thinking about it since I bought a copy for my nephew in Canada. That was a strange night. 

Anyway, I slept in a bit today which was nice. I grabbed breakfast and watched some news, then got dressed. I spent time on my computer and even YouTube for a while. I booked my flight for next month and even made a hotel reservation at a hotel in Niigata for after the convention. 

At lunch, I had some of my lunch and some of F’s daikon stew, which tasted a bit like half-cooked daikon, but he was very proud of it. 

F does this thing where he asks me hours before dinnertime what I actually want for dinner. I’m not hungry, so how would I know? Tonight we decided to get bentos in, except he decided to just get the main dish in for himself and his mother since he had a lot of rice in the rice cooker. I asked for fried rice from the bento shop so he couldn’t do that to me. I had a salty onion fried chicken with fried rice. It was okay, but seemed small. I think that means I’m getting better since I actually felt like eating. 

We watched the movies and I did about a row of crochet on my shawl which is the first bit of crochet I’ve done since I came back to Japan. I didn’t have enough light to do more. 

And that’s about it. I am allowed to leave the house from tomorrow and I hope I can. I’ll be masked of course and will still be cautious, but technically I should be past the quarantine stage. Yay. 

I’m not sure exactly what we will get up to tomorrow. F may not be feeling so great…I hope he didn’t catch what I had. Fingers crossed that he’s okay.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until next time….

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