October 2, 2023

Monday - Warmish and sunny

Yesterday, after a large lunch with my nephew I got to relax a bit at the house. In the late afternoon, my sister made guacamole from scratch and I volunteered to help her. I think I helped, I scooped out the avocados and mashed them a bit. We had to make two different types. Her husband likes his with tomatoes and jalapeƱos, but my sister and I are sensitive to tomatoes, so skipped them. Neither of us like it as hot as he does. We sat out on the deck for a while and munched on some tortilla chips and guacamole. 

A little while later we had dinner. I was quite stuffed yesterday. We had steak again yesterday, with mashed potatoes, veggies and some bread. It was all lovely.

My nephew introduced me to a show he liked on Netflix in the evening and it was fine. I wasn't as interested as I should be. I don't have Netflix so won't be watching all of it.

We went to bed at a fairly decent time. My nephew and I had been watching the first two Iron Man movies, it was fun to see them again. My sister and her husband had to be up early today to go to the airport. He's off on a business trip. They've changed the airport and now we have to walk to a shuttle bus just to get into the airport. I'm not looking forward to that next week with two suitcases and a backpack. Sigh. 

I went to my bedroom and finished the book I was reading, Memory Man. It was a novel I borrowed from a "lending library" box next to the house next door. It was so nice to be able to grab a book and not pay for it. I really had to finish it before I left though.

I did a little crochet last night too. I haven't done too much lately as the light in my room isn't very bright. It's my own fault as my sister offered to give me a stronger bulb in the beginning.

This morning I was first awakened by my phone. I got a text from my husband. He was going to bed soon, but had gone to work today and it was okay he said. It was his first day back. I hope he'll be okay. 

I got up before 9 and had breakfast and then took a shower. My sister and I had a bit of lunch and then headed out to look for Thanksgiving food. We looked for a ham at Costco. It was insanely busy there. There must have been a lot of people on holiday today. After Costco, we dropped the ham at the house and went into the city to look for a turkey. We were under strict instructions from her hubby not to get a frozen one. Between the first store and the second my sister had a good go at me about my weight and starting to exercise again. I've been in a lot of pain this holiday and the more walking I do the worse it gets. I'm not sure if it is a knee/leg problem or a shoe problem, but I really didn't appreciate her interference. I think she means well, but it isn't something that I wish her to harp on me about.

We got back to the house finally and I took the book and magazine I had borrowed back to the lending library. I didn't take anything else as I likely wouldn't have time to finish it before I leave.

And that's it. I'm not sure what's going to happen around here tonight. 

I'm going to meet up with an old friend tomorrow and see another friend on Wednesday, so I probably won't be able to update for a few days. Don't miss me too much!

Come back later if you like and hear more about my exciting time in Canada. Until next time.... 

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