October 5, 2023

 Thursday - Cold and windy

Hi again!  

I've been enjoying my time in Canada. I have only a week left of my time here. It seems to have gone so fast though. 

I've met up with two different friends over the last two days and had a really good time. I've had a lot of luck with my shopping too and I'm very nearly done. I'm not saying I wouldn't buy something else if it presented itself to me, but I am now the proud owner of 3 pairs of jeans and two snazzy outfits for my convention next month, so I'm quite pleased. 

Today I'm doing a bit of a rest day, although I've been quite busy. I'm in the midst of doing laundry and thought I'd take a few minutes to come by and say that I am still here.

On Tuesday, my sister dropped me off at West Edmonton Mall and since I was early I went to Torrid and found a pair of carpenter pants/jeans that I really liked. They are very wide legged though and I will have to get them hemmed as they are rather long on me. The bane of being a short person! I met up with my friend and we did a little bit of looking around the mall and had a drink, then went looking more and finally had lunch at a food court. We met up with her husband and they drove me back to Beaumont. We had a family night in that night and had some pasta as well as watching a bit of TV.

Yesterday, my BFF and I did some shopping in Edmonton and had a lot of luck. I picked up another pair of jeans that fit really well, plus a few shirts and a jean dress. It was so nice that my sister is thinking of getting one for her daughter! We checked out an expensive clothing shop, but didn't have much luck there, but did go back to Penningtons and had a lot of fun there. My friend and I were trying on stuff and showing each other, the lady in the next changing room joined in, and it was just fun. I got a pair of trousers. I can wear them for nice outings or work if I ever go back, a couple of t-shirts, a fancy bra and a my outfit for the convention. It was on a massive sale so I really lucked out.

Along the way, we had a nice lunch and later a drink at Starbucks. I've discovered their "Refreshers" which is a drink with bits of fruit in it. I have mine in water. It's nice and I don't have to have caffeine or hopefully a load of calories.

We came back to Beaumont and she dropped me off after having my sister take a couple of photos. We hope to have coffee or something next week if it works out.

My sister and nephew and I went out for dinner to Boston Pizza. I haven't been there in ages. We had some appetizers and then I had a spicy Mac & Cheese. It was good but I couldn't finish it all. 

We came back to the house and I watched 2 episodes of Agents of Shield and 2 episodes of Loki. It was a Marvel night! I also did quite a bit of crochet on my shawl, so that was good. It is starting to look more like a shawl now, and the rows are taking a lot longer to do. 

My sister had to pick up her husband at the airport so she had a late night. I was in bed when she came back with him. I wasn't asleep yet, but it was quite late.

Today I had breakfast and then sorted my laundry. I took care of a personal chore too, and even had a chat with my sister. 

I'm not sure what the rest of the day will hold. Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend for dinner around my old stomping grounds, so that will be fun. I hope to do a little Whyte Ave exploring before I meet her.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. Not sure if I'll be able to update tomorrow or not. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my lovely Canada days. Until next time....

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