October 21, 2023

Saturday - Cold and rainy

I woke up a bit late this morning. I was glad that I was able to sleep in a bit. My sleeping patterns lately have been strange. 

Unfortunately, F was feeling horrible. He decided to try and go and see the doctor again. He was having stomach problems and I think that he probably caught my dread lurgy. He left but didn’t have any success. While he was gone, I grabbed my breakfast and washed a few dishes. He came back and basically went back to bed. 

I had a quiet day. I got dressed again and stayed in the room mostly quietly. F slept on and off.  

I made a quick lunch for K this afternoon. It wasn’t anything too exciting, but it was hot food. She didn’t eat it all. Sigh.

In the late afternoon, F woke up and I asked him to take me shopping. He couldn’t go in the store, but I could. He’s been buying food, but not really planning that much. I picked up a few staples like eggs and bread and things that we can make fairly quick meals with. After I got the food (bentos for dinner as I wasn’t into cooking tonight) we grabbed some kerosene for the house. Why didn’t F buy it before I got back? It has been cooling down and we use it for heating the hot water tank. 

We got back to the house and F basically went back to bed. I gave K her bento around 5:30 or so, I had mine around 7:30 and it was okay. 

I’ve spent most of the day alone. I don’t mind and I feel really guilty that F is sick now. I just wish he’d wear a mask downstairs. We really don’t need his mother getting sick too. 

I spent a lot of the evening on YouTube and even took a shower. It’s quite cold in the house today so I’m thinking of going to bed soon to warm up! I need to clean up the room in front of the heater so that I can turn it on, but I have no place to put anything, so it’s a bit of a quandary.

I imagine that F will be out for the count tomorrow too. I was feeling really bad for the first two or three days, but I hope he’s different. He won’t be able to see a doctor tomorrow, unfortunately, unless he goes to a Sunday doctor. He probably won’t.

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. It wasn’t an exciting day at all, but at least I got out of the house for a change and that was nice.

Until next time….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,

I'm glad you are feeling better and sorry to hear that F is not feeling well. I was wondering if you had the home Covid test kits. They are readily available where i live. And, yes, F definitely should be wearing a mask and not putting his mother at risk, or even you if what he has is something other than Covid. It seems like you are barely over your bout with Covid and now you are back to taking care of everyone.

Gladys in MA

Helen said...

Thanks Gladys. F isn't feeling well at all, his temperatures get much higher than mine ever did. To be fair, he does usually wear a mask around his mother, but he was running downstairs last night and kept forgetting it.

We had some home kits, but I think they were used earlier in the year. They were for F mostly. I should see if we can get more.

I'm not really taking care of people, just making sure there's enough food for them!

Have a good day, and thanks for visiting :-)