October 22, 2023

Sunday - Rainy, sunny, slightly warmer

I slept in this morning and the first thing I remember after my alarm going off was F bringing a big box into the room and putting it on our bed. Apparently, the new chairs that he had ordered for downstairs had just arrived. I was a little grumpy at the idea of putting a box from who knew where on our bed, so he was annoyed with me. He put it aside for now.

I had breakfast and then went downstairs to see if I could help. F was putting together the new chairs, so I helped. I reminded him that I like doing Lego, so why not?! I put one chair together, and he did two others. We still have one in a box, we don’t need it right away. The table hadn’t arrived and we weren’t sure when and if it would.

It did arrive a bit later and looks great. It’s the same size as the other kotatsu we had, but it is taller and made from a lighter-coloured wood. F put it together today, so he was a building fool! K came out of her room a couple of times and seemed very surprised at the new furniture.  F said he told her about it, but she obviously didn’t remember.

Around 3 she got up and I put together a light lunch for her. I left her to it and took mine upstairs.  F did sleep a little bit, but he stayed up most of the day. 

Around 6 pm I went downstairs to start dinner. I cooked some pasta and heated up some prepackaged curry. We all had curry on pasta and it was okay. The restaurant that I like that serves that is better, but this was passable. We also had some salad with it. K got hers in the living room at the new table, and F and I had ours upstairs. I’m basically better now, but I didn’t want K exposed to too many germs. F keeps forgetting to put on a mask when he goes downstairs. 

After eating, I took the dishes downstairs, washed them, and cleaned up the kitchen. I’d done a bit of tidying before cooking so it didn’t take too long. I listened to a podcast while I did that.

I came back upstairs and thought about watching something. After a bit of YouTube, I turned on the TV and watched an episode of Ted Lasso. It was the one in Amsterdam and was lovely. It probably was the perfect thing for my mood. I followed that up with an episode of The Red Green Show, which is so dumb, but fun.

And really, that’s about it for my day. F is off work tomorrow, he’s going to go back to the doctor. I think it’s a good thing. I’m not sure if the doctor will retest him or what. 

We’ll probably have to do some shopping at some stage tomorrow, even if it means that I go in by myself and F stays in the car. I don’t really want to do a lot of cooking yet, so I hope I don’t have to!

Come back later if you like and hear all about how things are here. Until tomorrow….

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