October 23, 2023

Monday - Sunny and warm 

Well, as expected, F went to the doctor today and he has Covid too. Sigh. He got more medicine and is quarantined for another few days. 

While he was out this morning, I started to do laundry. I did a couple of loads. I had planned to do some last week, but was too sick to care!

In the afternoon I had lunch and F made lunch for his mother. I wonder a little bit about him spending so much time with her. We don’t want her sick. 

F and I went to pick up some groceries. He stayed in the car, and I went inside the store. We came back afterwards and relaxed.

Around 6:30 I suggested we talk about dinner, so we ordered some takeaway. F and I went out to pick it up. We came back to the house and tried to get K up to eat, but she decided to eat the food tomorrow. F and I ate at our new table and that was kind of cool. 

I did the few dishes afterwards and then went upstairs. F was trying to sleep I think. Around 10:30 I went downstairs and took a shower. I kept bumping into K! Not sure if she’s wondering why I was there or not. I came back upstairs and F was asleep. I’m really glad though. He just doesn’t sleep much in the daytime. When I was sick, I slept so much. 

Anyway, that’s about it for me for today. I’m not sure what’s going to happen around here tomorrow. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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