October 26, 2023

Thursday - Sunny and warmish

I tried to get to bed a bit before 3 and did manage to do it. Unfortunately, I woke up around 5 and had to go downstairs. About two minutes later, F came downstairs too. It was rather weird.

I came back upstairs and tried to get back to sleep, but F didn’t get back into bed. He sat at the foot of our bed and used his phone and made a ton of noise. It took me ages to fall asleep again, I’ve no idea when and if he did. 

Today I woke up early, but then turned off all of my alarms so I didn’t get up when I originally thought I would. I did get up eventually and grabbed my breakfast. I ate upstairs and while I was eating, F asked me if I wanted to go out. I wasn’t sure what he was asking. He made it sound like he wanted to go out for lunch. However, he was still under quarantine…I said I’d go and grab anything he wanted from the store, but apparently, that wasn’t what he meant. I know I am getting so tired of being stuck in the house, and I was sick the first week, so I hear him.

He napped in the afternoon, I grabbed my lunch and watched the news. When I finished I told F I could go out if he wanted, but he didn’t!  I don’t think he really knows what he wants to do. I did suggest that we could go out somewhere quiet tomorrow if he’s feeling okay. His temperature is better and he’s doing better. He came up with a bunch of weird ideas which I’m afraid I shot down!

Around 6:30pm, F made dinner for K and then he ordered ours. We went out to pick it up and I grabbed it from the store. We came back to the house and ate our yakitori. It was good, if expensive. 

I took a shower after dinner and then came back upstairs. I watched The Rookie and then turned off the TV. I’m now blogging away and watching some YouTube.

I’m not exactly sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. We might go out as I’ve got to start preparing for my next trip, or we might stay in again. We could go somewhere for a drive. We’ll have to see what happens and how F is. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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