October 27, 2023

Friday - Cloudy and cooler

I got up this morning after managing to sleep through the whole night. It feels like it has been ages since I’ve done that. I didn’t sleep well at my sister’s and here I didn’t sleep that well since I was sick.

I got up, had breakfast and got dressed. F snoozed for a bit after he’d had his breakfast, so that was good. After he woke up, he asked me if I needed to go out and get lunch. I was trying to figure out if he was inviting me out for lunch, or inviting me to come out and buy things for his lunch. I never really figured it out!

He ended up going out and buying lunch. He bought me lunch too, but I had my lunch when he was out. Oh dear. It was sushi and rather small, so I did eat it.

In the afternoon, we went out. We went to the mall in Mikawa and had my jeans and my fancy outfit for the Convention next week hemmed. Yay. They should be ready in a week or so.

We had a drink and a doughnut at Mr. Donut downstairs. It was nice to have a little relaxing time. We left the mall and then picked up a few things at the grocery store. We got a bento for K and some things for F. When we delivered it back to the house, K didn’t want her bento. Oh dear.

We waited a few minutes and then F and I went out again. We went over to Coco Ichibanya and had curry for dinner. I had mine with veggies and a handmade chicken cutlet. F had his curry with fried fish. We both liked our meals.

We came back to the house afterwards and had a quiet night in. I decided to watch something off the  Fire Stick, so I watched another episode of The Power…it had been a while for that one, and then I ended up putting on Catwoman. Yes, the old one with Halle Berry. It was just the right kind of movie for my odd mood tonight. It wasn’t demanding and was almost silly, so it was what I wanted!

And that’s about it for my day. Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment. F does too, if he’s allowed to go. After that, I’m not sure what. I suggested a movie, but I don’t know if F is really going to be up for that. He often says yes, and then changes his mind at the last moment. Sigh.

Anyway, I gotta get some sleep. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow… 

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