October 28, 2023

Saturday - Rainy and cool

I woke up when my alarm went off and stayed in bed for far too long! I did get up later and got dressed. F had called the doctor in the morning to see if we could go and he suggested that I just pick up the prescriptions while F waited in the car. That’s basically what we did. 

After we picked up the medicine, we went to have lunch. We lunched at the Daiichi hotel and it was quite nice. We both had hamburger patties, I had mine with bread, and F had his with rice. When we finished there, we went to the bus depot and checked on the bus out to the airport. Next month I’ll likely take a taxi to the bus station and then a bus to the airport. I could just take the bus to the station and transfer, but I’ll have a small suitcase and there isn’t much room on the bus. I’ve seen people carry suitcases on the bus and it isn’t great. 

F wanted to buy tires, so that’s what he did. He went to a tire shop and soon enough we had 4 new tires in the back seat of the car! I was surprised.

We came back to the house and I went upstairs to relax. F spent time downstairs before he came upstairs again and took a bit of a rest. 

We were planning to go to the movie tonight so F made K some soba for her dinner. However, she didn’t want to have it. He did offer it to me, but I’m afraid I didn’t want it either!

We left for the mall around 7pm and when we arrived we bought our movie tickets and then went for my dinner. I got a bibinba and F picked up some takoyaki for himself. My bibinba was good, but it wasn’t quite hot enough I thought.

We went over to the cinema when it was almost time and I gave F his ticket. He went in and I got the popcorn and drinks. Tonight we went to see The Creator. I enjoyed it, although I kept thinking about the similarity it had to The Golden Child!

After the movie, we came back to the car and drove back to Tsuruoka. F wanted to pick up a few groceries so we did that. We had to go to MaxValu as it was the only grocery store still open. 

We came back to the house and came upstairs. We had a quiet rest of the evening. I watched some YouTube and worked on my blog, the usual. 

I have no idea what we’ll be doing tomorrow. I’m hoping that we’ll do something rather fun. F is officially out of quarantine now, although he really should have been out earlier as he couldn’t see the doctor when he first got sick. 

That’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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