October 6, 2023

Friday - Clear and a little warmer

Well, I stayed in yesterday! I was a bit under the weather and didn't have anything pressing to do, so I just stayed at my sister's house. I did about three loads of laundry so I wasn't completely lazy.

My sister went out and later in the afternoon made dinner for us all. She roasted some chicken and asparagus. That was really nice.

Both my sister and her husband were tired from last night's late arrival, so they went to bed fairly early. I stayed up a bit talking to my nephew. He's quite the character. He's very knowledgeable though, so it was rather cool talking about political systems around the world. I went upstairs a bit after 11, I think he went upstairs just after me. 

I haven't been communicating with my husband that much. It's a bit difficult. Now that he's back at work, I don't want to send him messages during the day, and I really don't want to send them to him during his night either! If I woke up early, I could send them to him but that's not going to happen!

I'm mostly over jetlag now, and I'm going back next week. Sigh.

It's Thanksgiving this weekend, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have to blog. We'll see!

This afternoon, I'm going out to my old area of Whyte Avenue. I'll probably go to my bank and maybe check out the area. I've heard it isn't that safe anymore, nowhere in Edmonton seems to be. It's sad really. I'm also meeting an old co-worker/friend for dinner tonight, so that will be really nice. We try to get together every time I'm back.

That's it for me. Come back later if you want and hear about my time in Canada. Until next time....

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