November 1, 2023

Wednesday - Sunny and warm, rainy at night

I woke up this morning when F came back into the room. I fell asleep again and woke up around 8 a.m. He had left by then. I went downstairs, then got dressed and napped a little longer. I heard the doorbell and so I went downstairs. I wasn’t in time and I saw a card put in the mail slot. I went outside in case I could see the delivery driver. I was lucky enough to hear the van outside and I popped my head out of the yard and the driver saw me. He gave me the box for F. Woot!

I tried to do some laundry but K beat me to it! To do her credit, she did her laundry and then moved it out of the machine quickly. I was able to get a load of towels done. Yay. After that, I washed a bathmat and a few cleaning cloths. 

I gave K the food that I’d been hoping she’d eat and then went upstairs. I had a quiet day in the room upstairs. I opened the windows up here today, it was so nice and sunny.

I went downstairs to start dinner around 5:30 and then F called to say he was on his way. I prepped the ingredients for Gapao Rice and that meant a few minutes after F came back I got dinner on the table. It seemed to go over fairly well. F didn’t eat all that much again though.

I did the dishes and there were more than I liked tonight. I did up the garbage afterwards too, it took a bit of time. F went out to get something from the drugstore, he did invite me to go too, but I was tired and turned him down.

I went upstairs and closed the bags of garbage in my room. I’m throwing out a bunch of old clothes that I haven’t worn and am not likely to wear. I feel a bit odd, but it is necessary. I need to do more in all honesty.

F came back and I took the bags downstairs. I came back upstairs and relaxed for a bit and then I went downstairs later and took a shower. I was feeling quite out of sorts before, so the shower worked to make me feel better. When I came back upstairs, we spent a little time together and had a hug and that was lovely.

I didn’t watch any TV tonight, I planned to but didn’t get around to it. Oh well. 

I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. I’ll probably do more laundry and I am going to cook dinner too. I’ve suggested to F that we go out tomorrow night and have a coffee or something. Friday is a national holiday so we don’t have to get up early the next day. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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