November 2, 2023

 Thursday - Sunny and warm

I got myself to bed around 2:30 last night. I fell asleep fairly quickly, all good. However, I woke up to a lot of noise and thunder and lightning around 4:10. F woke up too and it was so noisy. There was a hailstorm as well. I did fall asleep again when the storm calmed down.

When I woke up this morning, F was already gone. I got up, got dressed and then went back to bed to snooze for a while. I had a really hard time getting myself out of bed. Finally, I dragged myself out, got breakfast and then washed one of the bathmats. 

I had a very quiet day today. I spent most of the time in my room and didn’t go out. I went downstairs around 5:30 to get a start on dinner. F had called a few minutes before to say he was on his way back.

F seemed okay when he arrived, but after I finished cooking he said he couldn’t eat. Sigh. That meant I had to eat with K. Oh well. I put the food out. Tonight we had toaster oven chicken (garlic-pepper flavoured), French fries (air fryer), salad and macaroni salad and mini-tomatoes for K. We had a nice meal and most things were eaten. 

I did the dishes, bid K goodnight and went upstairs. To do him credit, he was in bed and looked like he was sleeping. I set up my water pot and watched some YouTube with my headphones on so I wouldn’t bother him.

After a while, F did get up and went downstairs. He was quite quiet. I had hoped to go out for coffee tonight just so I could get out of the house, but F had a beer so we couldn’t go out. He’s back to bed now I think.

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I have to go back to the mall to pick up my pants that were shortened, I’m hoping we might see a movie or something too, but we’ll see about that. 

Come back later if you feel up to it and find out what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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