November 10, 2023

Friday - Rainy and cool

I slept in today and woke up when my alarm went off. That was a nice change. I wish I could tell you that I got up and stayed up, but I didn’t. I went downstairs and then came back to the room and got dressed. Then, I went back to bed! I slept for a while and did get up later.

I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. While I was downstairs, I heard a vehicle door slam and I wondered if it was my delivery. It was! I had ordered something from Amazon a few days ago. It arrived. Woot! I took it upstairs and put it in its place. 

I ate breakfast, watched the news and had a quiet day in. I didn’t really do anything that I should have done, more’s the pity. Later in the afternoon, F called me to say he was on his way back and as soon as I hung up with him, my sister texted me. She was on her way home from Hawaii and we texted briefly. It was lovely to hear from her.

I went downstairs and got started on dinner. F came back and we chatted for a bit, so that was nice. I checked dinner with him and he was fine with my plan. I did have a bit of a problem though, the lettuce that I bought last night was horrible inside. I had to throw out more than half of it as some of it was slimy/bad. I managed to keep a bit of it, and for a change at lunch I hadn’t eaten all of my salad, so I mixed the two of them. 

Tonight I did pasta with pepperoncino sauce, and fried bacon. We had the salad with that too. It went over quite well and we all seemed to enjoy our meal. 

I did the dishes and listened to my podcasts. I really enjoyed them. When I was done, I went upstairs to change. Yes, tonight, we were going out!

F and I drove over to Komeda Coffee and went in. We both had decaf coffee. We sat for a while and read or watched videos on our phones. We left a little bit before they closed. 

We came back to the house and I headed upstairs to put on my PJs. I decided I had to shower, so I went downstairs and took care of that. K was up again and wandering around for a bit, I’m not sure what she was doing. 

I came back upstairs when I finished my shower and watched a lot of YouTube. I started working on my blog a little while ago and…you are now up to date!

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to this weekend. There is a new movie that I’d like to see. F was talking about taking his mother out tomorrow, but I’m not sure if the weather will be good or not. Today was cold and rainy, so I don’t want to take her out if it is bad weather tomorrow.

Well, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…. 

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