November 11, 2023

Saturday - Rainy and cloudy and cold

I woke up late this morning, on purpose! I didn’t set any early alarms and that was nice. Very nice. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. F was outside putting the winter tires on the car and he came in a little later and asked if I wanted to go out. We talked about where to go and he suggested going to Sakata for sushi. I was okay with that. I had originally suggested driving to Akita to my favourite Michi No Eki to have lunch, but it would take more than an hour so it would be quite late for lunch. 

We drove over to Sakata and listened to my iPod’s music. It was rather enjoyable. I nearly fell asleep, I find sitting in the car to be tiring. We had some fairly decent sushi and quite enjoyed ourselves. After our meal, we looked for a watch place so that I could get a new battery for my watch. I noticed on Thursday it had stopped working again. We found a place on Google Maps and went there. It wasn’t terribly expensive and it got done right away. Woot.

We were going to come back to Tsuruoka after that, but then F asked if I wanted to visit the new hotel in downtown Sakata. I did, so off we went. He parked in the parking lot, but we didn’t go into the hotel. We went into the library! They had some seats against a window and a couple of vending machines, so we had a drink and tried to use the wifi. 

After this, we went back to the car and drove back to Tsuruoka. We stopped along the way and went to a grocery store to pick up a bento for K. We then came back to the house and delivered it. 

F and I had to have dinner somewhere and he suggested an old favourite. We went there and it was very busy. We were inside and waiting when another couple came in and the woman went over to the side and started talking to the staff. More people came in, and finally, a few people left. The other couple were seated before we were. I asked F if he wanted to leave and he said no. However, when we were seated (next to that couple!) F complained to the waitress. She said that the other couple had been inside before us and had asked for a table and then left, which is why we thought they came after that. F wanted to leave at that point. I understand him being upset, but I didn’t see the point of us leaving then. If we’d left when we were at the door, we wouldn’t have had to wait so long for a table.

We had a nice meal. We both had the beef stew with buttered rice. It came with a salad and miso soup. We didn’t have coffee tonight as we were going to see a movie and I didn’t want to take extra time or have to leave the movie theatre.

We drove out to Mikawa and bought our movie tickets. We had something like 30 minutes before our movie, so F decided he had to buy himself new shirts. We walked along the mall and went to Aeon. He got himself 3 new shirts which is good for him. Unfortunately, he wanted to put the shirts in the car. I still don’t understand why he can’t take his shopping to the movie with him…but whatever. He took off and left me behind, so I decided I wasn’t going to follow him out to the car. I looked at the front of the hundred yen shop! While I was there, F texted me to see where I was! I told him and he joined me. Poor guy!

We went back upstairs and they were letting people into the movie. I volunteered to get the popcorn and drinks, F didn’t want popcorn (he said) so I got popcorn and a smaller drink for me and a large drink for him. I bought the stuff and then went into the movie theatre. I left the stuff and was just heading off to the washroom when F came in. He had a seat. I got back to the cinema a few minutes later and we watched The Marvels

I am of two minds about the movie. I don’t have Disney+ so I haven’t see Ms. Marvel’s programme and I had no idea of Monica Rambeau’s back story, but the movie was fine. It was quite funny in places and I had a good time. 

After the movie, both of us headed into the washrooms and then I waited outside for F to finish. One of the theatre’s staff came over to me and said that my husband was waiting outside! He usually doesn’t do that. F told me that the cinema guy had told him that I had already left ( I wouldn’t do that) so he went out into the lobby. He was in the lobby and we walked out together.

We came back to Tsuruoka and stopped at a convenience store. We bought a few things and then came back to the house. I came upstairs and caught the last few minutes of the new Criminal Minds and then turned off the TV. 

That’s about it for today. I’ve been watching YouTube and getting ready for bed. It’s very late now and I should get some sleep. I have no idea what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. You’ll just have to come back tomorrow and find out. Until tomorrow….

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