November 9, 2023

 Thursday - Warm and sunny

I had a good day today!  I did wake up rather early today, I woke up before F did which was odd. I made a trip downstairs and then went back to bed. When I woke up again F was gone. 

I had a pretty relaxed morning. I had my breakfast, I got dressed and I printed out a picture to take to my hairdresser. While I did that, I noticed that my time was really short so I hurried downstairs and left the house. I didn’t even have time to say goodbye to K. Oh dear. 

I got to the bus stop one minute late, but luckily the bus was a couple of minutes later. It was quite busy when I got on. I found a seat and sat down. It didn’t take too long before I was downtown at the station. I got off the bus there and went into the Foodever building. I gotta say, I was quite sad…it was nearly empty. So many places have closed. There was a little coffee bar…gone, a donburi restaurant that we ate at sometimes…gone…It was downright depressing. 

I went outside and walked up to the post office. I made a small deposit (I’m still trying to get rid of some one-yen coins!) and then sent my sister’s parcel off. Oh my goodness. It was so expensive. Usually, the Japanese postal system is reasonable, but this was not! It was only slightly less expensive than the stuff I was sending. Yikes.

I walked over to the mall and noticed that the restaurant on the corner near the mall was open. I looked at the door and thought the menu looked good. I went to the hotel near the mall first and looked at their restaurant but I wasn’t interested in the food and the stuff I was interested in was close to the other restaurant’s prices. I decided to try that other restaurant. 

I walked back to La Naturalite and went in. I got a counter seat and ended up having a lovely, if slightly expensive meal. In all honesty, I didn’t feel it was too expensive. If I was eating out every day then it might have been, but for a once-in-a-while treat, it was fine. The first course was a big plate with nine sections on it. It was full of veggies. Some were pickled, some were raw, some were cooked and there were a lot of interesting local vegetables. I enjoyed that. My main dish was roasted herb chicken and it was lovely. I had a couple of gorgeous pieces of chicken, a salad, more vegetables and some bread. Then there was dessert! I was given a chocolate mouse cake and I had requested a rooibos tea with it. Everything was lovely and I enjoyed myself a lot. I’ve been there once before with DH, but it was a long time ago. I think he would think it was too expensive, but as a treat, I didn’t mind it. 

I had a little time before my appointment, so I went over to the mall and walked around a bit before I had to leave. I noticed a sign that said that the mall was going to get a Jupiter store. Wow! For those of you who don’t know, Jupiter is a coffee specialist store, but they also sell imported foods. You can get all kinds of food there. I often go there in Niigata, Sendai or Yamagata to get some imported food. It’ll open at the end of the month. Yay. 

I went over to my hair stylist’s salon and spent the next hour getting pampered!  My stylist cut and washed my hair and at the end gave me lots of presents! I got her calendar for next year and some hand cream. I use it and it is really good. 

I went back to the mall and did some shopping. I went into the hundred-yen shop and went a little crazy. I did buy some sensible things for the house, but I also got some snacks, a nail file, a shopping bag, and a few other things. 

I checked out the Jupiter signs and even walked past where it will be. The workers are hard at work setting up shelves and stocking goods. I’m looking forward to this place opening!

Around 4:30 I went over to Doutor and spent some time there. I got myself a decaf cafe latte and relaxed. I charged my phone up and read a bit of a book that I was reading on it. F phoned me and I told him where I was so that he could come and find me. 

When F arrived, I got him a drink and myself another one. We had a nice time at the coffee shop. F said that he doesn’t have to work on the weekend after all. Yay.

We left the mall when we finished our drinks and then we went to J Marui to get K a bento. While we were there, I picked up some food for tomorrow night as well. 

We came back to the house and dropped off the food. F gave K her sushi and I took some of the stuff I bought upstairs. After that, F and I left the house.

We went to Togashi for yakiniku and it was great. It was quite expensive, but we had a lot of lovely food. 

We came back to the house after the meal and came upstairs to relax. I watched The Rookie and thought it was quite good. After the TV went off, YouTube came on and I started blogging and looking at the internet. 

Anyway, that’s it for today. I should do a bit of laundry and maybe I can start packing my suitcase! I need to get it done soon. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…. 

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