November 12, 2023

Sunday - Rainy and drizzly and cold

Well, today was a crap day. In fact, it would have to improve to be as good as a crap day. Sigh.

I slept in this morning but got myself up and got dressed and waited for F to come upstairs. He had talked about going to the onsen this morning but hadn’t slept very well so I didn’t know if he’d gone or not. 

He came upstairs and just started demanding I tell him where I wanted to eat. I really didn’t want to eat anywhere at that point and said I had no idea. He announced that he was going to go out and have ramen in that case. I wished him a good lunch. I really didn’t care at that point. He almost dared me to complain about it, but I didn’t. If he wanted ramen, he could go and have it. I wouldn’t be going. 

I went downstairs a couple of hours later and got myself some frozen pasta out of the freezer and heated it up. I took it upstairs to eat. It wasn’t great. It was a long time past the best-before date and it had freezer-burn so…. After a bit, I went downstairs and asked F if we could go shopping because we needed groceries. He said yes. I went upstairs to get ready, he came up and got ready to go out. 

We got in the car and immediately he started to demand that I tell him where I wanted to go. I really didn’t care, just a grocery store. Any grocery store. I finally suggested Mina and then I said to him that it didn’t matter anyway as they were all equally bad. I never can get the things I want here anyway. He stopped the car and demanded I get out. I did. We were only around the corner from the house so I walked back and he drove off somewhere.

I was ignored for hours and when I tried again to request that we go out for groceries he told me that it wouldn’t be until after dinner. Of course, I was not invited to have dinner with them. 

Around 7 he came upstairs and asked if I was ready. I wasn’t quite as I’d just started a drink. I drank it as quickly as I could but it took a little. Finally, I was ready. When we got in the car F asked where I wanted to go and I told him I’d like to have dinner first. I requested Cocos so he drove me over there and dropped me off. He wouldn’t come in with me. I went in and had an okay meal. I had a small plate of fries and the chicken Jambalaya. It was okay. After I ate, I paid and left. F was nowhere to be seen so I had to text him. He said he was close and he arrived a minute later. 

I asked him to take me over the road to the Pal shopping centre. I could get groceries and then go to the drugstore next to it. I went into the grocery store and got a few things for dinner for the next couple of days. I’m quite sure that F won’t show up for dinner tomorrow, but so what. If he doesn’t, then we’ll have it for two nights in a row. Yum. I’m doing tacos. 

After I paid with F’s money I dropped off the stuff in the car and told him I was going to the drugstore. I picked up some stuff for myself and also some detergent for him and his mother. If she runs out, she uses my detergent and just upends the bottles, she doesn’t measure it and uses too much. 

When I got back to the car from the drugstore, F was nowhere in sight. He’d gone into the grocery store, probably to use the washroom. He did show up a couple of minutes later. We got in the car and drove back towards the house. I asked F if we could stop in at the little grocery store near his house. I hadn’t been able to find sour cream and I was hoping they would have it. As it turns out, they didn’t. I bought some more yogurt for myself, so I’ll probably strain the yogurt in the fridge and use that instead of sour cream. I was planning to use it for two different meals this week.

Back at the house, I got out of the car and F stayed in the car for a while. I unpacked the groceries and then went upstairs. I was ignored when F finally came back and to be honest, that was fine with me. The only thing that annoys me about him when he’s in a “MOOD” is he plays his horrible apps loudly on his phone. It forces me to wear my headphones and listen to other things!

He’s off to work tomorrow and I have a ton of things to do. I’m feeling very overwhelmed at the moment and I really didn’t need F being an idiot all day. He knows what is on my mind and I think he just doesn’t care or is too selfish to think I might be upset about stuff. 

Well, I’m out of here on Friday for a few days. It’s a shame that I can’t leave sooner. I am very much looking forward to getting away. 

Tomorrow I hope to do some laundry and packing of my suitcase. I have a lot to do, so come back later and hear if I get it done. Until tomorrow….

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