November 3, 2023

 Friday - Warm and sunny

I woke up early this morning, went downstairs for a few minutes and then came back and went to bed again. I overslept and basically woke up again around 11:30.  Oops.

F went downstairs and made lunch for his mother, then it was our time. Of course, we didn’t end up going out until 2:00pm but at least we didn’t fight about it. We went to Arpeggio and had a nice brunch. I had the “bacon-don” and F had a fish set meal with gindara. We were both quite pleased with our food. F was bored by me and listened to YouTube the entire time we were in the restaurant. That was annoying.

We drove out to Mikawa Mall after lunch. We picked up the clothes that I had put into the tailoring shop. I didn’t try them on then, I did later and they were fine. I got F to take the bag of clothes back to the car while I went shopping for something for my sister’s birthday. I suggested that he go and have a coffee or something while I was shopping. He came back a little later and gave me some money and his card to get the points. Woot. 

I managed to find a couple of things for my sister. She’s very athletic and also a bit bigger than most Japanese ladies, so finding things that will work for her here is difficult. She also isn’t a “girly” person and a lot of things that I can buy here won’t work for her! Still, I found a couple of things that might work. 

I paid for the clothes and then I went downstairs and joined F. He was having coffee and a doughnut. He offered me some, but I said that we should go. We only had 35 minutes to get to the movie. 

We went out to the car and drove around to the other part of the mall. F’s knee is still painful for him to walk unnecessarily, so I thought it was better to do that. We went into the mall again and up to the cinema. We bought the tickets to the movie and then waited for the theatre to let us in. F went in and I grabbed the popcorn and drinks. We went to see Hypnotic with Ben Affleck and Alice Braga. I quite enjoyed it. It wasn’t the greatest film of all time or anything, but it had its moments. 

After the movie, we left the mall and came back to Tsuruoka. We stopped at a grocery store and I picked up a bento for K. F had suggested sushi but there wasn’t any in the store! I went to the fish section too, but nothing! I got her a salt-saba (mackerel) and brought that out to the car. 

We came back to the house, heated up the bento and gave it to K. A few minutes later, F and I left for dinner. In the car, F listed off three places that he’d be okay with going and surprisingly, I liked all of them. We tried to go to the most Japanese one on the list, but the place was dark when we drove by. We ended up at Gusto. It was quite nice really.

After dinner, we came back to the house and relaxed. I tried on my cool outfit for my convention and it looked really good. I’m quite excited about wearing it, to be honest!

I took a shower after a bit and that’s about it. I haven’t watched any TV today and that’s okay. 

I don’t know what we’re going to do tomorrow. I know that F is thinking about getting his hair cut, which is fine of course. I’m not sure if we’ll do anything else though. I’d like to hit up a Daiso if I have the chance as well.

Anyway, that’s about it for me for today. Hopefully, I’ll be here tomorrow night and fill you all in on what’s been going on around here. Until tomorrow….

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