November 4, 2023

Saturday - Rainy and cooler

I slept in a bit this morning, not too late or anything, but a bit later than F. He had gone out early for his haircut. It’s a bit short, but fine really.

When he came back I was up and dressed. He asked if I was ready to go out, and I said that I was. I suggested going to Fujishima to one of the restaurants there. F called to see if we could get in. They wouldn’t reserve it, but F thought it was worth going out to give it a try.

Well, we were able to get in at the annex restaurant. F parked outside it and was going to walk back to the other place, but I suggested going in there first and trying there. We were able to be seated and then had a pretty nice lunch. I had pork sauté, and F had ginger pork. Both lunches were good and we enjoyed ourselves.

We came back to Tsuruoka ostensibly to go for coffee, but first, we hit up Daiso near the coffee shop. I felt like I came home a bit! I bought more yarn for my shawl. I was worried that they’d sell out of it and then I’d have to abandon my project in the middle.

We hit up a hardware store and F found himself a noodle strainer. After that, we went to Komeda Coffee. I had a big cafe-au-lait. I really shouldn’t have had it, but I did. 

After we finished our coffee, I did a quick trip through the grocery store to get a bento for K. I got her a few things, a chicken bento, pickles and some gyoza. I think she liked it when she got it.

F and I thought about dinner and he hounded me a little bit. I told him I’d think about it and I did. After a while, I suggested either yakiniku or keiten sushi. F called the yakiniku restaurant but they said they were very busy, so we decided to try keiten sushi.

We drove to Kappa Sushi and were able to go in right away. We had a fairly good meal. I didn’t have too much fried food for a change. Yay me.

We started back towards the house after dinner and then F suggested that he should maybe buy gas for the car and some kerosene. I thought it was a good idea, so we drove back and took care of that. When I say we, I mean F. He did all the work!

Back at the house we came upstairs and relaxed for a long time. I watched a lot of YouTube and then Criminal Minds: Evolution which just started tonight. It was…kind of cool to see most of the gang again. I’ll probably keep watching as Saturday night is a wasteland on TV.

And that’s about it. I did a bunch of crochet tonight but still didn’t finish my second ball of yarn. Maybe soon! The shawl is getting to be a decent size now. 

I have no idea what we’ll get up to on Sunday. Please come back later and find out! Until tomorrow….

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