November 5, 2023

Sunday - Hot and sunny

I slept in this morning, although I woke up and went downstairs early. I managed to drag myself out of bed a little after 11 and got dressed. 

A little bit later, F came back into the room and we talked about where to go for lunch. After a bit, I remembered the place I had thought of, the bus depot. I wanted to have their pair set as I like the grilled meat. F wasn’t too sure though.

We drove over to the bus depot and were able to get right in to have lunch. We did end up ordering the pair set…I think F ordered it because it was cheap!  I liked it a lot.

After lunch, we went over to Musashi, the big hardware store. I picked up a couple of boxes of the masks we like. After that, F wanted to go into the store and look for something for the car. We went in but didn’t find what he wanted. I went off and used the washroom and just after I came out, F came out of his side too!

F wanted to go back to the house and grab a couple of tires that he wanted to sell to a second-hand shop. We drove over there and he did his stuff.

We came back to the house to pick up the rest of the tires and then it happened. I was in the washroom and F went off and left me. He was expecting the delivery of a prize that he had won from one of his internet girls. He decided that I would stay at the house and accept the delivery while he went off and sold his tires. I was not impressed. 

His delivery did arrive and I signed for it. I took it upstairs and threw it on his side of the bed. When F arrived he thanked me for doing it for him, but I wasn’t having any of it. I just didn’t bother speaking to him about it. He fell asleep.

Around 7 pm I woke him up and demanded that we go and get food for his mother. She was up and probably wanted something to eat. We grabbed her something from the local grocery store…when I said we I meant me. I got her some yogurt, some fancy rice and a deep-fried bit of salmon. When we brought it back to the house, she just ate some yogurt!

F and I went off for our dinner. I had asked for Cocos but on the way F wanted to go to Nagomi. I wasn’t really in the mood for more Japanese food, but I didn’t want an argument either. We went to Nagomi and it was fine. I had meat soba, F had cold new soba and we shared some tempura. I like Nagomi as a restaurant so it was nice. I haven’t been there in ages. 

I did grocery shopping over at Pal for a change. I picked up some food for tomorrow and Tuesday. I had asked F specifically to take me shopping earlier because the stores are empty later at night, but he didn’t so I won’t feel too bad if he doesn’t like what I make!

As you can tell, I’m still rather annoyed with my husband. It’s not just that he ran off and left me to get his delivery, it’s that there was a delivery at all. I kept telling him we could have it redelivered but he was freaking out about that. Apparently, it had been sent back before or something?  It doesn’t make any sense to me. I think I need to ask F to have his deliveries scheduled for times when he is in the house. I have absolutely no interest in this crap showing up, and even less interest in the sender. I just wish it was the same for F. 

So tomorrow I have to do some laundry and possibly take care of a few personal things. I also need to write a column in this month so I’ll be busy.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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