December 10, 2023

Sunday - Cloudy but warm

I went to bed very late last night so I didn’t set an early alarm for myself. I did wake up a bit early, around 9, and went to the washroom, then came back upstairs and went back to bed. F was sitting up at the bottom of the bed but didn’t talk to me at all. I didn’t talk to him either. I wasn’t feeling very well at that time.

I got up again around 11:30 I think. I felt quite horrible. I went downstairs and told F that I wasn’t feeling well and was going to go back to bed. He was sympathetic. I was afraid he’d be angry with me, but he wasn’t of course.

I went back to bed and slept for another hour or so. When I got up the next time, I felt much, much better. I got up and got dressed. I went downstairs and talked to F about going out. I needed to get groceries for the next couple of days at least. F was okay with that, but he took ages to come upstairs!

We went out. I had asked that we go to S-Mall to Doutors so that we could have a small snack. I was hungry but didn’t want to eat a full meal yet. We got there and we both had cheese toast and a drink. The cheese toast just hit the spot! After I finished my drink, I told F that I’d like to check out the grocery store and the import store and asked if he’d like to come. He decided to wait where he was for me, so I left him in the coffee shop. I got some tortillas and taco mix at the import store and then I picked up quite a few of the groceries at the other store. I returned to where F was and suggested we go somewhere else for the rest.

We went out to the car and drove to Izmo. We both went into the store, but only I did the shopping. I got the other things I needed for the next few days, paid, and then went out to the car to rejoin F. 

We came back to the house and I was a bit upset with F. He wouldn’t get out of the car. I had three bags of groceries, my purse and he wouldn’t unlock the front door. I had to put everything down so I could get my key out. Grr. Then, he goes into the house and doesn’t even help me carry anything. So annoying. 

I put away most of the stuff and then I just decided to leave his stuff and his mother’s stuff in the bag in the kitchen. I didn’t give her the bento I bought for her either. 

I went upstairs and a few minutes later, F did come up. I asked him if he had given his mother her bento, but he hadn’t. He went downstairs and did that. Then, we talked about where to go. I suggested the place in Kushibiki but said that I wasn’t sure if it would still be open.  We drove out there, but it was closed. 

On the way back to Tsuruoka I jokingly suggested going to Edoichi, aka The Evil Place aka the yakiniku buffet place. F thought it was a good idea. We went there to check the price. It was a tad expensive, but we went in.

We had a decent meal, but as usual, when we went there, we ate too much. I don’t think I ate as much as F did, but I ate more than I planned to. 

When we left, I suggested going to the nearby drugstore. We did a little bit of shopping and then came back to the house. 

Since it wasn’t terribly late yet I decided to watch something off the Fire Stick. I ended up watching the last episode of The Continental. I had seen the first two episodes in Canada. It was okay. I got a bit tired at the end of all the violence for violence's sake. I’m surprised I’m starting to feel like that. I’ve never felt bad about film violence before!

I turned off the TV and turned on YouTube. F went to bed and I’m still up a bit too late as usual. 

Oh, today’s Tea Advent Calendar was Camomile. I waited until evening and drank it then. It was very nice. Absolutely a tea to drink before bedtime.

Quite nice. I drank it with milk.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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